DEV Community

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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on November 10, 2023

Heyo 👋 Hope that everybody is enjoying their weekend. 🙌 Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing? Al...
anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen • Edited

📰 I published a post on the DEV community, read it here!

How was your coding journey like post

💟 I got the 1 Week Community Wellness Streak badge! See it, here!
1 Week Community Wellness Streak badge

🖼️ I finally figured out how to link a file from the same folder into my HTML file! Check out my website here!
linked a file from the same folder into a HTML file

👥 The follower count on my DEV profile has exceeded 300 followers! ✨
Follower count exceeded 300 followers

🧩 I completed a difficult programming puzzle on Exapunks! ✨

difficult programming puzzle on Exapunks

I found and replaced the keywords in the target message (file 212) as directed by the AI and moved file 200 to the outbox! on #EXAPUNKS by @zachtronics! #exaprogramming #programming #hacking

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) November 9, 2023

🔓 I also unlocked the games issue zine in-game and the TEC Redshift development kit, so now I can make games for the TEC Redshift player!

I just unlocked the second zine in the game! I also unlocked the TEC Redshift development kit! I can make games now! on #EXAPUNKS by @zachtronics! #exaprogramming #programming #hacking

— Anita Olsen (@iamAnitaOlsen) November 9, 2023

📕 I got a book for free! ✨
A free book I got

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

I love your very well formatted wins. Keep at it!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Thank you! I will! 😄

giuliano1993 profile image

That has been a great weeks it seems! So happy to read about it!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Thank you, yes, it has! :D

dumebii profile image
Dumebi Okolo

Way to go! 🥳

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Thank you so much! 😊

sc0v0ne profile image

Very good, I was inspired to do my own. hahah

thormeier profile image
Pascal Thormeier

In Switzerland there is a thing called "national future day" where kids aged 11 to 14 can visit a company to learn about the jobs performed there. Yesterday was that national future day and at my employer we organised a day for 14 girls (yes, we made that day girls-only on purpose) to show them what it's like to be a software developer, a UX expert or an agile coach. They received a participation certificate at the end that they can use to spice up their applications for apprenticeships later on in their lives. Most girls were surprised how fun computer science was and they really enjoyed it. For me, this day was a huge win because the entire organisation went very smooth, we had no incidents and perhaps we inspired a few of the girls to get into computer science!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Wow, that's awesome Pascal. Cool holiday and sounds like y'all did a great job organizing things — happy to hear about so many girls getting siked on computer science. The future is looking bright! ☀️

shameel profile image
Shameel Uddin • Edited

I got:

  • 8 week streak
  • 4 week community wellness streak
  • This blog was posted as discussion of the week.

Also learned and prepared content about Auth2.0.

giuliano1993 profile image

Great community and coding wins there! That is great 💪

shameel profile image
Shameel Uddin

Thanks @giuliano1993 =)

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Great wins

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Congratulations, well done ✨

shameel profile image
Shameel Uddin

Thank you

giuliano1993 profile image

This week i published my first npx command ( you can give It a look here) , I'm totally thrilled 'bout it and looking forward do code more!
I also just fixed a bug I have been struggling lately for a personal project of mine!
Has been a great week for coding!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

Well done, Giuliano! That was a great week with coding! ✨

giuliano1993 profile image

Thank you! 😃 yes it actually was 💪

erinao profile image
Erin A Olinick

Hey, everyone! I'm just hopping in the comments today to share some standout wins from last week's thread: @anitaolsen conquered DEV, Sololearn, Exapunks, and shared it all gorgeously (and they're tearing it up again this week!); @raskyld triumphed in Hacktoberfest with a stellar article; @carlarjenkins soared professionally, submitting federal apps and diving into new opportunities; and @stefanobartoletti made a significant impact with social sharing!

This community really is the best. 🥰 Thank you all so much for sharing with us and cheering each other on! For those of you who haven't contributed yet, I hope this inspires you. You just might get featured in next week's post and our Friday Weekly Wins email! 😉 🙌

carlarjenkins profile image

Thank you Erin for the mention. I truly appreciate it this supportive community!

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

I am honored by your comment 😊 Thank you! I love being here and well done, everybody! 🤗

raskyld profile image
Enzo Nocera

Thanks a lot for your mention ! 💜
It's really warming my heart :)

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

Finished the nightmare project I took over last week…the client getting hung up on “but I can do this in Figma, why doesn’t it work the same on the web?” 🤦‍♂️

I think it’s prolly for the best that she won’t be a repeat client…

nombrekeff profile image

It appears I've finally gotten out of the rut I was in! I'm a mostly functional human again!

bogomil profile image
Bogomil Shopov - Бого

Care to share some learning?

nombrekeff profile image

Well, It's very personal this, and what worked for me might not work for you. I will share some stuff that has helped me. I've had anxiety and depression, it's not gotten to extreme levels, but enough to not be able to do most things I like.

Share it. Talk about it. And do, do stuff. Don't let it stop you from doing what you like. It's hard to do when you're in that situation, I know, but after forcing yourself to do them, they start to help.

In my case, I stopped doing almost everything, from socializing to not doing what I like most (climbing). I even stopped relaxing, resting and taking care of myself. Any time I was not doing what I was supposed to do, the bad thought appeared and made it even more difficult to do. I thought I didn't deserve to rest as I had not done the chores or obligations I had, even if trivial.

One key point for me has been, acknowledging that there will be periods where I will not want to do as much stuff and periods where I might not even do anything. But that's okay. At this point, take care of yourself, but really care. Force yourself to read, do sport, anything that has given you joy in the past, not necessarily at that moment.

Don't force yourself too much at the start, go little by little. One day or week go for a walk, the next week try taking the walk and also do a chore that you've been ignoring, the next week do all that plus something else. But if at any point it's too much, or you're starting to feel bad again, take a step back.

Another key point has been opening myself to my family about how I'm feeling. Seems trivial, but exteriorizing the issues makes them seem smaller. And if you can, go to therapy. They might not directly help you, but they will give you tools so that you can help yourself.

Thread Thread
nombrekeff profile image

Note that this process, has taken 3 months. It could've been less or more depending on a lot of factors

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️

Got around to checking if my fillPoly algorithm that I came up with in my head weeks ago was correct. It was!
Low res triangles

juandadev profile image
Juanda Martínez

Finally got a job after two months unemployed, lots of rejections and tons of studying hours 🥹🫶🏻

Image description

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Woaaa, that's fantastic, Juanda! Your perseverance paid off. Major congrats and wow, what a cool welcome package. I hope you dig your new gig!

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

I had a few this week: I had a really good talk with Packt about a potential book in the new year, I got a quarterly award at work (my first full quarter at the company too), and it looks like "Refactoring with C#" is doing well on pre-order as I've now seen them increase the price a little on both Kindle and Paperback editions.

madzimai profile image

Fixing a tricky bug

ieieldoria profile image
Rafael Dória

Here we go again!!!

bogomil profile image
Bogomil Shopov - Бого

just one :)

jamisonbryant profile image
Jamison Bryant

Today I merged my first feature into a framework I've been using for over 10 years. I've submitted ideas & updates to documentation over the years, really tiny stuff...but this is my first ever FEATURE! I'm so excited to know that my code is going to help millions of people worldwide, not just me!

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

That rocks, Jamison! So cool to hear that... major congrats!

adhirajk profile image
Adhiraj Kinlekar

I published two blogs on the Dev Community. Please read them here and here

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Rock on! Good stuff all around, Adhiraj.

I checked them both out and left a couple comments. 🙂

adhirajk profile image
Adhiraj Kinlekar

Thank you Michael, I really appreciate it.

nyruchi profile image
Pasquale De Lucia

My first PR in the worl of open source, has been accepted! The project where I'm contributing is Qwik a very innovative front end framework

You can find details here.

kaamkiya profile image

Published my first DEV post! Read it here :)

mitchiemt11 profile image
Mitchell Mutandah

Great way to start @kaamkiya

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awww yeah!! Nice first post, Kaamkiya. 🙌

kaamkiya profile image

Thank you!

pxlmastrxd profile image
Caleb (pxlmastr)

I won a Kahoot by programming a Quadratic Formula calculator in Rust, and I marched in a parade. 🎺

juanfrank77 profile image
Juan F Gonzalez

That gif is glorious hahaha. It's a me, Mario. Woohoo!

aneeqakhan profile image
Aneeqa Khan

I managed to compose three articles this week and have scheduled them for the upcoming weeks. 😌

carlarjenkins profile image

-Used DataCamp's Free Access Week to complete 5 learning tracks to upskill my AI, data science and machine learning skills.

rycodes profile image
Ry • Edited

I joined Game Off 2023 and actually started building my submission.

codemane profile image
Code Mane

Finally finished a web project I've been dealing with.

polterguy profile image
Thomas Hansen