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What was your win this week?

Gracie Gregory (she/her) on October 23, 2020

It's almost the weekend! Looking back on your week — what was something you're proud of? All wins count — big or small 🎉 Examples of 'wins' incl...
kingsconsult profile image

My big win this week is, I was able to write an article and publish to my waiting followers even with the demoralizing situation in my country (Nigeria) this week.
I write weekly on this platform, but for 3 days now, I can't concentrate in composing what to write, so publishing last night was a win to me, this is the article How to Upload Files with Drag 'n' Drop and Image preview in Laravel 8 using dropzone

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

Great job, man. I've heard the news about what is happening in Nigeria, it makes me sick to my stomach to see how police brutality is commonplace all over the world.

Keep up the good work, if there is anything that may change this situation is education and people helping each other. Warm regards from Brazil 👋

kingsconsult profile image

Wow, thanks for your regards, the police actually pushed the youths to protest, now we are protesting peacefully, they send the military to start shooting on unarmed youths.
We are been brutalized for doing nothing, as a software engineer, I am scared of going out with my laptop because they might use it as an excuse to extort me and even locking me up for not parting away with my money. It was as bad as that.

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vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

I'm sorry to hear that. Is there a link for people to donate/help in any way?

tominekan profile image
Tomi Adenekan

Awesome, I am a Nigerian myself, (but living in California) and my Dad has been stuck in Nigeria during COVID-19 and passport issues. My heart goes out to you.

kingsconsult profile image

Thank you, things are now gradually returning to what it has been before, the politicians have used their military might to suppress the youth's voice again, I pray the youths don't make a mistake in 2023 election, its high time we vote out all these present crops of politicians, they lack innovations and all their mindset is to embezzlement money. The youths are not dull and fraudulent as they made the world see us, but because of their selfish interest, they have sold us out, we are very intelligent, resilient, innovative, trustworthy, skillful, but we lack the infrastructure to develop ourselves.
Pray for us and also in your little way speak for us in the international community, we are going to be great again

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tominekan profile image
Tomi Adenekan

Wholeheartedly agree, and I will pray.

kedark profile image
Kedar Kodgire

Posted a new article yesterday here in DEV

and I was doing a course "Data Analysis with Python" and a few days after submitting the project received a mail from the instructor stating This certificate acknowledges 60 hours of coursework, and only the top 15% of course participants have qualified for it

and I am very happy about this certification

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billraymond profile image
Bill Raymond

I write and develop training, but also code my own website. I got writers block because I could not stop thinking about how unusable some of the code was. I finally sat down yesterday, deleted the code, and forced myself to write it the “right” way. 6 pm came and I committed the last changes and I’m happy to have that weight off my shoulders!

Also, I finally pulled out the pots and pans after a week of ordering in and made a nice artichoke and seared scallop risotto, with a flourish of lemon zest for brightness. That was a nice way to lead into my hectic Friday :)

olawanle_joel profile image
Joel Olawanle

My big win this week was seeing myself publish a 4 post series articles on Git & GitHub here via Dev Community.

This has taken my time a little from the idea conception to me being able to publish. It's indeed something great to me.

matrixx profile image
Saija Saarenpää

I started writing again 😍 I've had a loooong pause of writer's block/lack of time/whatever excuse, for not writing anything for a while. Did not write anything special, but did introduce myself here in

mrvivacious profile image
Hi, I'm Vivek Bhookya

Welcome to DEV

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

Welcome to DEV :)

vtrpldn profile image
Vitor Paladini

This week was pretty good!

The product that I was developing at work was completely wrecked by covid (travel industry software) but we pivoted and it feels like we are moving in a pretty good direction now.

Got a huge amount of front-end work done in a really focused state of mind.

Wrote a rather big (and personal) take on impostor syndrome and other ailments of the trade.

And just had some excellent homemade fried chicken for lunch.

Things are looking up 😄

pyr02k1 profile image
John • Edited

Interviews and fighting the terror of not having steady work. I had a string of bad luck, just denial after denial for the past 6 months or so. Nothing has been coming, and I was depressed about it all the more because I froze solid on a whiteboard interview a couple weeks back, the first in months. Then UE benefits from my last workplace came to their last week, and still denials. I've talked to every contact, friend, former co worker, everyone. Benefits extension came through quickly, then I came up with 4 interviews.

One was a denial after the second interview, they went internal. The second was after the second again, but that was a 2 1/2 hour long one and I was kind of hopeful, but just not meant to be. Third was Kroger, I'm on to the last interview next week, hopefully I can nail it. Both nice and not because it's a big company, but it's full time. Finally the 4th is one of those reach outs. Former CEO at his newest company. Made it past 2 levels there, hoping the 3rd goes well. Kinda worried about this one because startup, and learning Golang from scratch when I'd barely seen 20 lines of it 2 weeks ago. Also contract instead of full time.

Wish me luck, both of the next ones are on Monday. Just need to take the win of getting the interviews to actual offers. It'll be nice to be able to make a good Christmas instead of barely much for my 3 girls. This pandemic already cost us almost everything, and this next week it'll be costing my anniversary plans because we can't afford it.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

I am wishing you so much luck!!! Get some good rest this weekend. Interviewing is so taxing but you won't be doing it forever.

pyr02k1 profile image

Didn't manage at that time, but just yesterday I was offered a senior backend developer position and took it after some minor negotiating. Might stand a chance of having a good Christmas after all.

manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

This is one of those weeks where simply wrapping it up without breaking down is my only real win. Virtual learning for young kids is hard, and it's difficult to have to do that on top of the rest of what the world expects from me.

I'm beginning to wonder if the system we have is unsustainable.

graciegregory profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

I hear this. Having to work, be a human, AND help tiny humans learn via a new medium IN YOUR HOME must be very, very challenging. Thanks for being part of this community. Michael. I hope you find some time to recharge this weekend/in the near future 💚

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

Just finished a fantastic meeting with someone who shares my passion for free education, an instructional designer and potential collab for not only teaching, but employing, in a way that takes diversity and inclusion to a new level (criminal background, etc.).

Dev hiring is broken

kherin profile image
Kherin Bundhoo

Finally coming across a suitable use case in the codebase to make use of a lambda function 🥳🥳🥳🥳

stereoplegic profile image
Mike Bybee

Warning: Everything is going to become a use case soon (and IMO that's a good thing).

trashhalo profile image
Stephen Solka

I continued to add entries to my 2 minute go reads series on

I would have thought I would have given up by now.

thinkverse profile image
Kim Hallberg

This week I had an open-source project I'm a collaborator on being highlighted in the Hacktoberfest newsletter. 🙂  That was a nice surprise I heard about from the maintainer today. 👍

anupa profile image
Anup Aglawe • Edited

My big win this week was the publishing my miniproject on producthunt, & recieving so much appreciations. 🥰

bmitchinson profile image
Ben Mitchinson

I realized my website is fine the way it is, and "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Having that unnecessarily large "todo" of "redo the whole thing to use new frameworks" out of my mind feels great.

wrote about it here:

maulik profile image

I got a job offer. It's tough to leave my current company as I have spent 3 years here and this is my first company so I have learnt a lot from here, I have an attachment with people here...and I informed my friends at the company that I will leave and they are vey happy for me and also sad that I will not be there with them. They congratulated me and also shared memories that we had that made it very difficult for me to leave. But I have made the decision to leave and move on and everyone is so supportive.

mhjaafar profile image
Hafiz Jaafar

My big win this week during my 10-day holiday is that I've managed to put my mind off my job - disregarding the emails, disabled MS Teams notifications on my phone, and not touching any code, even my side projects. Just enjoy reading on the Internet about what other people are working on.

webbureaucrat profile image

I shipped a new major version of my COVID-19 tracking site (and wrote a blog about it)!

kayis profile image

Finished my technical writing certification. :)

highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes
mbaapohz profile image

Successful website vulnerability assessment report for a client

waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

I got my hacktoberfest submission merged in the day before a the kedro 0.16.0 release 🎉

gablaroche profile image
Gabriel Laroche

My big win was getting a new job! The job is a lot more what I want to do in my career (building products over marketing websites). I'm starting in mid-november and I'm very excited!

devster profile image

i learned more in react :D

cchana profile image
Charanjit Chana

Started a new job this week 🥳

gargakshit profile image
Akshit Garg

My win was implementing touchbar support in flutter desktop, and making an android autofill service in flutter

geekysrm profile image
Soumya Ranjan Mohanty • Edited
nestordgs profile image
Nestor Gutiérrez

My big win this week is, claim my new "AWS Developer Certified - Associate", feel so great and I want another one, I can't believe it, after many days studying I got it

peterwitham profile image
Peter Witham

4 Hacktoberfest pull request merges and counting!