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What was your win this week?

Michael Tharrington on July 28, 2023

Howdy 🤠 The weekend is upon us once again! Looking back on this past week, what was something you were proud of accomplishing? All wins count — ...
vulcanwm profile image

I hit 5000 followers here on DEV!
I've also started working on building my Twitter account (I got Twitter this month)

sarahokolo profile image
sahra 💫
inovak profile image
Ivan Novak

Hey! Me too :D

codenameone profile image
Shai Almog

My new book is out. I'm running a promotion so it's free until Saturday.

Finally making progress on my new AoT JVM. Spent a lot of time generating LLVM bitcode and parsing bytecode. Still early stages but this is moving nicely.

danbailey profile image
Dan Bailey • Edited

Non-dev: took delivery of my new custom titanium gravel bike. Took a "mental health" day yesterday, just to go ride it.

Dev: I discovered the joy of Terraform and realized how I can use it to make a pretty sweet elastic multi-region architecture in Azure. I will be using this for my existing super-sekrit project.

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

I win this and each week I hope! Ahahaha...

inovak profile image
Ivan Novak

You published your first chapter!? That’s awesome!

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Yes!!! That's in my plan... hope you enjoyed... After Chapter 1 done, I will continue to chapter 2 and soon.

inovak profile image
Ivan Novak • Edited

This week I crossed 800 followers here on Dev and started seeing some progress on Twitter followers and newsletter subscribers. Pretty solid for a n00b such as myself.

Deployed a fairly complex project and had to scale out our queue workers up from 3 to 100 to handle the async load, which was fun. Got some pipeline stuff automated and started review of a security audit.

Got my assembly tables put together with magnetic alignment points and (took a peek inside the first box of the kit!).

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown
  • Leader gave super positive feedback on a PowerPoint (google/slide) presentation I did and looks like we're doing a follow up.
  • Super fast turn around for an issue/feature request
  • Not sure if this is a win yet, but found a weird edge case in dotnetcore's SqlClinent library that is not breaky, but introduces a 15s delay on the first connection when using Encryption and the server's cert has an authority CRL that doesn't respond in a timely way) Could be deep in SslStream, maybe not. Investigation begins! Either way, we mocked out the crappy CRL url so it returns quick and the user experience is 15X better on initial connections. (good cert management is another story though... 🙄)
lico profile image
SeongKuk Han

Play Game Post

I started the game project four days ago and made a defense game using React. There are so many bugs though, I enjoyed it and I'm proud of myself finishing it. :)

blueberry077 profile image
Marc-Daniel DALEBA

I finally touched grass 🥳🥳🥳🥳
So proud of myself.

techtech profile image

I've been active here on for a month and I've reached my 1255 followers!
That would correspond to 15,060 followers over a year.
Who knows - maybe we'll make it!

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srbhr profile image
Saurabh Rai • Edited

This week, my GitHub repository 🔗: went trending 🔥. And now it has over 1K stars and 110+ forks. It was an amazing experience. Building something that helps people make their resumes get selected and increase their chances of hiring.

olgabraginskaya profile image
Olga Braginskaya • Edited

I continued my Golang saga with the second part, also started Kubernetes course on cloudguru

chandrashekhar profile image
Chandrashekhar Mehta

Completed my Google Professional Certificate Course

zelal profile image
Zelal Hossain

I sold a Headless WooCommerce Theme from my website.

techtech profile image

I got a
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ukd1 profile image
Russell Smith

I started learning Phoenix / Elixir for fun!