DEV Community

Dheeraj Yadav
Dheeraj Yadav

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Placeholder Contributor


Hi everyone, myself Dheeraj, a professional content creator in cybersecurity. This was my first time to participate in Hacktoberfeset.

The biggest project was to find a GitHub repo that has some projects as per my skill set and that accept pull requests within a day. It takes me two hours to figure out in which repos, I shall contribute too. Most of the repos require high-level coding while the simple ones do not have any project instead they just ask one liner changes, so there is always a risk that these newly created repos may get excluded. But after giving it two hours, I was able to figure out this.


I haven't made any contribution to any GitHub repository. My journey as a contributor started with Hacktoberfest. I have made a lot of contributions in writing and documentation. Still, coding was always a kind of fear for me, which I have overcome now and credit for that goes to Hacktoberfest and all other supported organizations. Now, I believe that it's necessary to first master coding and then do some projects or open-source contributions, you can do this while learning also.

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