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WordPress 6.5 Beta 1 is ready for download and testing!

WordPress 6.5 Beta 1 is ready for download and testing!

This beta version of the WordPress software is under development. Please do not install, run, or test this version of WordPress on production or mission-critical websites.
Instead, you should evaluate Beta 1 on a test server or site.

Test WordPress 6.5 Beta 1 in four ways:
The current target date for the final release of WordPress 6.5 is March 26, 2024. Your help testing this version is key to ensuring everything in the release is stable.
Get an overview of the 6.5 release cycle, and check the Make WordPress Core blog for 6.5-related posts in the coming weeks for further details.

Roadmap to 6.5:
WordPress 6.5 is set to be released on March 26th, 2024. This release brings greater design control and optionality, more robust block capabilities with new APIs, access to current block theme functionality for classic themes, and the start of the new admin redesign. More specifically, these significant features include the Font Library for easy global font management, support for Appearance Tools in Classic Themes for more expansive design options, and more robust revisions across the editing experience (including revisions for template parts and templates). New APIs like Interactivity, Custom Fields, and Block Binding expand block capabilities and underpin features like partial sync patterns, and PHP compatibility work ensures alignment with PHP versions. Rollback for plugin and theme updates enhances safety, and bug fixes address various components for an improved user experience. The first taste of the admin redesign as part of phase 3 efforts are planned for this release in an iterative and contained way by bringing a new experience to the template, template part, and pattern lists within the Site Editor.

Adam: New Game Changing Feature Coming To WordPress - Your Page Builder Can't Do This!
This is going to be the most game changing feature to be added to WordPress in a very long time!. It is going to make websites faster and easier to build, manage, and maintain.
Most likely the page builder you are using to build websites does not offer this. Its insane that all WordPress users will get this feature as just part of WordPress in 2 short months.
Now the feature is easy to understand if you have built a website, but it’s hard to explain.

Anne McCarthy: Explore a game changing feature for synced patterns in WordPress 6.5

Anne McCarthys Channel

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