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I made a stupid magic 8 ball....

So, codecademy has these courses and learning paths which are pretty cool. I decided to try and push further on my self education of python and computer science in general.
I am taking the codecademy Computer Science Learning path. I already have pretty decent skills(for an operations engineer) with python, so the first section is pretty easy, and quite boring for me.

The last project on CS101 requires you to make a game, and post it in github, as well as write a blog post about it. Because I already know most of this material, and just want to get it checked off and move on to the next section, I am basically doing the bare minimum here. So keep that in mind, and realize that I KNOW this code and project and what not is pretty dumb.

Anyway here it is:

It has two functions. No classes.
First function prompts for, and takes in a question from the user and stores it in 'question'.
Second function doesn't care what the question is....literally no one on earth does. It just gives a random answer from a pre-defined tuple.

The code runs and prints everything at the end. Pretty stupid.

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