Welcome to The DOCOM Monthly, your monthly digest featuring some of the best content published in and around the DigitalOcean Community over the last month.
I'm Mark Drake, a Technical Writer on DigitalOcean's Developer Education team. This month's roundup includes a new Kubernetes curriculum, some exciting new Community tools, a special contest for student developers, and more!
Here are this month's featured posts:
Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers
The DigitalOcean Community team launched its first curriculum targeted towards developers. This curriculum contains a selection of DigitalOcean technical tutorials and conceptual articles, curated to help developers learn what Kubernetes is and how to use it. Check out the curriculum or read our announcement blog post.
Imperative vs. Declarative Kubernetes Management: A DigitalOcean Comic
Speaking of Kubernetes, we're excited to share this comic by Daisy Tsang which visualizes two different strategies for deploying infrastructure with Kubernetes:
How To Build an Inspirational Quote Application Using AdonisJs and MySQL
In this tutorial, Oluyemi Olususi outlines how to build applications with AdonisJS, a Node.js web framework written in JavaScript. Having written this guide for the Write for DOnations program, Oluyemi selected the Tech Education Fund to receive a donation.
How To Build and Install Go Programs
Part of our How To Code in Go series, this tutorial from Gopher Guides outlines how to turn Go source code into a binary executable (in other words, build it) and then put it into an executable file path so you can run it from anywhere on your system (or, install it).
New DigitalOcean Community Developer Tools
We have a large collection of tools which help developers build things on DigitalOcean. With over 200 such tools built and maintained by members of the Community, we launched the following open-source tools built internally by DigitalOcean's Community team in November:
- DNS Lookup: Returns the DNS records of a given domain
- SPF Explainer: Explains a given domain's SPF records
- NGINX Config: Helps generate configuration files for performant, secure, and stable NGINX servers
- Glob Tool: Tests globs against sets of test strings
You can check out all of our Community tools or even submit your own!
DigitalOcean on the Web
In an interview with PowerToFly, Varsha Varadarajan discusses her experience as both a summer intern and then as a part-time engineering intern at DigitalOcean. She recounts what initially drew her to working at DigitalOcean, how she balances her job with her graduate studies, and what makes DigitalOcean a great place for young engineers to work.
Daniel Zaltsman, DigitalOcean's Senior Developer Relations manager, wrote a retrospective of the sixth annual Hacktoberfest event. Here are some of the highlights:
In this tutorial, DEV user Jan Zavrel explains how to set up a PHP development environment with Docker and Docker Compose, and then deploy an application using GitHub and Digitalocean:

Docker and Docker Compose for PHP Development with GitHub and Digital Ocean Deployment
Jan Zavrel ・ Nov 25 '19
In a blog post, Nick Janetakis shares his experiences building a podcasting platform with Jekyll and DigitalOcean.
Community IRL
Last month, DigitalOcean organized and hosted the seventh edition of our TIDE Mumbai confernece. Over 250 people came to learn more about DigitalOcean, listen to talks and panel discussions, attend hands-on technical demonstrations, and network with others.
The DigitalOcean team had a busy week at Kubecon North America. There, we met and chatted with developers, gave a few talks, and announced DigitalOcean's new Container Registry which aims to make it easier for developers to manage container images. Read about this new service, as well as updates to some other Kubernetes-related DigitalOcean products, in our announcement blog post.
Finally, DigitalOcean's Cambridge office hosted an event coordinated by the Boston chapter of Women in Machine Learning and Data Science. The event featured a talk by Francesca Dominici, co-director of the Harvard Data Science Initiative and professor of biostatistics, titled "How Data Science Can Tackle Climate Change." You can watch the full talk here:
That's all for this month. Thanks for reading, and happy coding!
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