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Dilpreet Johal
Dilpreet Johal

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Linux Command Line Essentials for Beginners

I am starting a new series where I’ll be diving into the essentials of the Linux command line for beginners. Before we jump into that, let’s go over why it’s important to learn command line as well as take a look at a brief history of operating systems.

Why Learn the Linux Command Line?

If you’re new to this topic, Linux is a free and open-source operating system that powers everything from supercomputers to smartphones and smartwatches. The command line, or terminal, is the primary way we interact with and control Linux systems. You might be wondering, “Why do I need to learn this when I can just use the GUI (graphical user interface)?” Trust me, learning the command line is a fundamental skill in the software industry, with numerous advantages:

Efficiency: The command line allows you to perform tasks quickly by typing commands. Once you become comfortable with the command line, you can navigate through directories, copy, move, and delete files or even perform batch processing on multiple files together much faster.

Automation: The command line lets you automate repetitive tasks, saving time and allowing you to focus on more important things. Examples include backing up files or directories, renaming files in batches, or scheduling tasks using cron jobs.

Advanced Features: Some features and settings are only accessible through the command line, giving you more control over your system. This enables you to perform tasks like running shell scripts or managing servers.

Versatility: The command line can be used on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. Regardless of the platform, your command line skills will always be useful.

High Demand: Command line skills are sought after by many companies for roles in software development, system administration, and network engineering. Learning the command line can open up a wealth of new job opportunities.

A Brief History of Operating Systems

Before we jump into commands, let’s get a good grasp of the history of operating systems. We can group them into two main families: Windows and Unix/Unix-like systems.

Unix and Unix-like Systems: The Early Days

Unix was created in the late 1960s and is often seen as the starting point of modern operating systems. Developed at Bell Labs, Unix was designed to be easy to move around, handle multiple tasks, and support many users. Over time, Unix split into different versions, including commercial ones like Solaris and open-source options like Linux and FreeBSD.

Linux, a Unix-like operating system, was made by Linus Torvalds in 1991. This open-source OS became super popular around the world, with many distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian catering to different user needs. Its strength, flexibility, and affordability have helped it spread across servers, embedded systems, and personal computers.

Windows: The Friendly OS

On the other hand, Microsoft introduced Windows in 1985 as an add-on to the MS-DOS operating system. Windows quickly became popular as a user-friendly, graphical operating system. It has gone through many versions, with the latest being Windows 11. Even though it’s mostly known for being on desktop computers, Windows has also made its way into servers and other embedded systems.

Similarities Between Unix-like and Windows Operating Systems

When looking at commands, it’s important to know that Unix-like operating systems, like Linux and macOS, have a lot in common. They use a similar structure for directories and file permissions, and many command-line tools work similarly across these platforms. So, learning the command line on one platform helps you use that knowledge on another, making your skills super handy.

By understanding the history of these operating systems, you’ll get a better feel for how the command line has grown and why it’s so important in computing. As we go through this series, you’ll see that your command line skills can be super helpful, no matter which platform you’re working with.

Check out this video to learn more –

Stay Tuned for More Linux Command Line Insights

Don’t miss our upcoming videos, where we’ll start diving into the command line essentials. If you’re looking to kickstart your career in software development, software testing or DevOps, be sure to subscribe to the channel and follow along with this series.

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