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Diogo Dantas Moreira
Diogo Dantas Moreira

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Sealed and Final in Java (17+)

Java 17 brought the Sealed Classes feature, which allows greater control over how to structure a project's class hierarchy. In this post, we'll discuss this feature that permits classes and interfaces to have more control over their allowed subtypes.

The keywords sealed, non-sealed and permits are the ones to be used in the syntax of sealed classes in Java. When we mark a class as sealed, it is as if we were marking it as final, which does not allow other classes to extend it. So, we add classes that can extend a sealed class with the help of permits keyword and then we list the permitted classes.

In the example below, class A is marked as sealed and allows classes B and C to extend it.

public sealed class A permits B, C {
     // Some code
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Since classes B and C extend a sealed class, it is mandatory that they be marked as final, sealed or non-sealed.

If class B or C is marked as sealed, it can still allow other classes to extend it via permits. When we use non-sealed, we "break" this restriction and allow any class to create an extension, as in the case of class C below.

public non-sealed class C extends A {
     // Some code
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In the case of final, this class cannot be extended by any other class. In the example below, B is marked as final, and no class can extend it.

public final class B extends A {
     // Some code
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It is crucial to mark a class as "final" if we are not designing that class with some future extension in mind. The interaction of inherited classes with their parents can be unpredictable if the ancestor was not designed to be inherited.

In general, we should think of class design in two types:

  • Classes that are designed to be extended and with sufficient documentation to describe how this should be done;
  • Classes marked as final, not allowing extensions at all.

Apart from the differences presented above, the final keyword in Java is used in other contexts where sealed cannot be used, such as methods, attributes, and variables.

Furthermore, sealed aims to allow the author of a class or interface to control which code is responsible for implementing it and provide a more declarative way than access modifiers (such as public or protected...) to restrict the use of a superclass.

This is mainly useful for building libraries in a more secure way without worrying about overwriting definitions by clients.

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