I'm Abdeldjalil. Go ahead, try saying my name. You probably don't know how to pronounce it, and that's fine.
Let's consider the diverse world of names out there.
Some are straightforward like Alice, while others might need a bit of explaining, like "Djalil, but the 'D' is silent".
And then there are those complex ones like Wriothesley. Wikipedia might tell you it's pronounced /ˈraɪəθsli/
(RYE-thes-lee), Genshin Impact might suggest /ˈraɪzli/
(RYZE-lee), but others just call him /ˈraɪ.oʊ/
Wrio is super omega cool, don't you agree? Just look at him!
Let's refocus—
I'm the kind of person who loves diving into new concepts and words. Even when I'm offline, I rely on dictionaries (physical or some Wiktionary-based app) as my go-to resource to learn new terms, and this habit propelled me into learning IPA transcription to pronounce them properly.
Look at me, trying to romanticize a simple project that helps people pronounce names and stuff.
Let's just get into it.
Why make this thing?
To showcase that I can use cloud-y stuff like AWS or Google Cloud.
Ended up using Vercel and Azure because I ain't paying no money for this thing, but I want it to work "forever".
I even resorted to using Next.js when a simple page would do.
The things we do for recognition. :p
Naming it
This is the most important step—coming up with a name that captures the project's essence.
The goal was to make an IPA vocalizer with a focus on pronouncing names:
A name's pronunciation, vocalization, or sound = Name + Sound = Namae (Japanese for "name") + Ne (Japanese for "sound") = Namaene.
The name also draws parallels to Vocaloid, a singing voice synthesizer, and specifically characters like Miku Hatsune (First + Sound) and Len Kagamine (Mirror + Sound).
Perfect. Now, we just need to make it.
Building it
The premise is simple: Tell the TTS engine to read the IPA text and return the audio file to the user.
Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) is an XML-based markup language that lets you adjust text-to-speech output attributes such as pitch, pronunciation, speaking rate, and more.
The <phoneme>
tag accepts pronunciation transcription in IPA:
<phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="ˈraɪzli">Wriothesley</phoneme>
Since we are specifying the word's pronunciation, we do not need to include it:
<phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="ˈraɪzli"></phoneme>
We can go further. Since the XML element contains no children, we can use a self-closing tag:
<phoneme alphabet="ipa" ph="ˈraɪzli" />
Let's imagine we've written a generateSsml(ipa)
Next, we will call some TTS engine or service to speak the SSML.
Return the audio data ("speech production") with appropriate headers (mainly Content-Type
), and let the client (e.g. browser) deal with it.
Choosing a TTS service
This is what we are looking for:
Buzzwordy enough. It should be something listable on a LinkedIn Skills section (serverless, distributed, frameworks, blockchain, and can I fit WordPress somewhere?).
Free. We are not willing to pay anything.
Forever. It should work "forever".
IPA support, probably via SSML.
Amazon Web Service (AWS)
- SSML? Yes.
- Free? Not really. Only "12 months free", not "free forever".
Microsoft Azure
- SSML? Yes.
- Free? Yes, but is it enough?
- Text to Speech / 0.5 million characters free per month. Speech Services Pricing
Google Cloud
- SSML? Yes.
- Free? Yes, enough.
- Free per month / Standard voices / 0 to 4 million characters (https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/pricing)
- Also, "new customers get $300 in free credits to spend on Text-to-Speech." (https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/)
In short, AWS seems cool and I like its voices (even since they were called Ivona), but I needed something that's more future-proof.
Both Microsoft and Google are fine, but having 4M characters per month seems more appealing than 0.5M.
Checking Google Cloud's TTS samples, I even liked their SDK (all request config in one object + you can just await
the response).
So, Google Cloud it is... Or not.
For some reason, my credit card got declined, so I resorted to using Microsoft's services since I already had an account.
So, for now, Azure it is.
Using the service
In a perfect world, there would be a simple async function speakSsml(options)
that resolves to the audio data as a Blob
or an ArrayBuffer
Google Cloud SDK does something similar to what we want:
const textToSpeech = require('@google-cloud/text-to-speech');
async function synthesizeSsml(ssml) {
const client = new textToSpeech.TextToSpeechClient();
const request = {
input: {ssml: ssml},
voice: {languageCode: 'en-US', ssmlGender: 'FEMALE'},
audioConfig: {audioEncoding: 'MP3'},
const [response] = await client.synthesizeSpeech(request);
// Do something with the audio data: response.audioContent
While in Azure's SDK, we need to wrap the call in a Promise
import * as sdk from 'microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk';
async function synthesizeSsml(ssmlText) {
const speechConfig = sdk.SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(process.env.SPEECH_KEY, process.env.SPEECH_REGION);
speechConfig.speechSynthesisVoiceName = "en-US-JennyNeural";
speechConfig.speechSynthesisOutputFormat = sdk.SpeechSynthesisOutputFormat.Ogg24Khz16BitMonoOpus;
const synthesizer = new sdk.SpeechSynthesizer(speechConfig);
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function (response) {
if (response.reason === sdk.ResultReason.SynthesizingAudioCompleted) {
} else {
function (err) {
Now, let's imagine that the backend framework we will be using uses Fetch API interfaces, namely Request
and Response
That would be awesome since Response
accepts a body of type ArrayBuffer
, which is convenient for our use case.
A handler for GET /api/speak/?ipa={ipa}
can be written like:
async function GET(request) {
const {searchParams} = new URL(request.url);
const ipa = searchParams.get('ipa');
const ssml = generateSsml(ipa);
const data = await speakSsml(ssml);
const contentType = 'audio/ogg';
return new Response(data, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': contentType,
status: 200,
We added a Content-Type
header to help clients handle the response correctly.
Its value is set to audio/ogg
because that's what we configured the SDK to return. By default, it uses some wav
format, but you can change it to a few other formats like mp3
or ogg
. Both of the mentioned alternatives use less space (they are compressed) and offer good quality. From my testing, ogg
seems a bit better in terms of quality and size. But it ultimately does not matter whichever you pick.
Speaking of headers and optimization, to improve the user experience (latency) and in order not to exceed our quota, we can tell the client it should cache the result forever.
Let's add a Cache-Control header to the response.
The following says: Anyone (public
) can cache it; it stays fresh for 1 year (31536000
seconds); no need to revalidate since it won't change (immutable
) while it's fresh".
+ 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable',
Handling quota
Caching doesn't solve our issue. We must not exceed the quota.
For all providers I checked (meaning Azure and Google Cloud), you need to ensure you don't go above the free monthly quota!
Their Monitoring and Billing APIs are not good enough: We can (and probably will) be notified to pause our usage after we exceed the quota. We ain't paying nothing, not a single cent.
(For example, see Google's guide about stopping billing: "There is a delay between incurring costs and receiving budget notifications.")
We need to implement our own quota tracker.
What to count
Calculating the cost of each call differs from provider to provider, and even from service to service.
Tags: Some SSML elements (e.g. speak
and mark
) are omitted.
Whitespace is usually counted.
But what about the characters?
Azure specifically counts each Chinese character as 2 chars. Google Cloud says it counts each Japanese character as 1 character.
But what does that even mean?
Consider: The Japanese word for love is 愛, pronounced Ai, as in Ai Kotoba (Love Words feat. Hatsune Miku).
How many characters are there?
- JavaScript encodes strings in UTF-16. The word's
is 1. - Azure says Chinese characters (and other multi-code ones) count as 2, so the word's cost is 2.
- Google Cloud says each Japanese character is considered one character. Only hiragana and katakana? Does that include kanji ("Chinese characters")? Does 愛 count as 1 character?
- 愛 is a multi-byte character. Specifically, it is encoded in 3 bytes.
What about emojis if the user decides to send them for whatever reason?
The safest bet is to use the SSML text's length in bytes as character count, as Google Cloud docs suggest ("[...] the number of characters will be equal to or less than the number of bytes represented by the text.").
We could optimize this, but, for now, let's play it safe.
Using TextEncoder
function countCharacters(ssmlText) {
const textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
// returns Uint8Array
const encoded = textEncoder.encode(ssmlText);
return encoded.length;
Where to keep track of the count
One thing is certain: We cannot* be sure how requests are going to be handled.
* Or should not or do not want to bother with.
Namaene may be deployed on some distributed, horizontally scalable platform. Or it might be running locally: Node executes requests concurrently.
Or both. You know, production vs dev.
In short, we need a way to keep track of the counter between isolated processes. Think: Transactions or similar atomic operations.
Redis sounds like a good solution.
Whena request arrives, generateSsml
, countCharacters(/* in the */ ssmlText)
, then increment the counter like:
INCRBY totalCount requestCount
Resetting the counter
The monthly quota resets... every... month.
We need to reset our counter.
There are multiple options to do it, including:
- A
job. - Redis transactions.
- Redis functions or scripts.
- Do not reset anything.
The last option is appealing because it seems simple and overcomes some limitations:
is op.
has built-in handling of non-existent Keys.
This behavior can simplify the initialization process, especially when dealing with a new month.
It deals with overflows. The command will fail if its execution would cause an overflow.
All of this means we do not need to GET
the current value and then increment it (a la double-checked locking).
Spoiler for the next section: Vercel KV (free/Hobby) also has a quota of 30k requests per month. What does "request" mean?... Let's not get into that.
At any rate, the fewer commands we use, the better.
Just use a different key each month (e.g. "counter:yyyy-mm"):
function getCurrentCountKey() {
// "The timezone is always UTC" - toISOString on MDN
const nowIso = new Date().toISOString();
const yearMonth = nowIso.substring(0, 'yyyy-mm'.length);
const counterKey = `counter:${yearMonth}`;
return counterKey;
INCRBY counter:2023-12 500
increments the counter by 500 and then returns the new value.
Next month, the counter key will automatically change to counter:2024-01
will not find this key, so it will be set to 0 before incrementing.
Having decided on this lazy practical approach, we can think of it as an opportunity to implement another important feature: Maintaining a historical record of monthly usage/counts.
To get a list of all counter keys (then iterate over them):
KEYS counter:*
A better approach might be to use hash commands: HINCRBY
This is not of high priority.
Having already tried Netlify (in 2020) and Vercel (recently), I decided to use Vercel mostly because I like their website's design—
I mean the UX and DX (docs, APIs, and all). Plus, they provide or are behind some of the technologies we wanted to use:
- Serverless Redis
- Serverless functions (e.g. the
handler) - Next.js (it uses Fetch API-based classes)
This is a rough sketch of what we ended up with:
GET /api/speak?voice={voice}&ipa={ipa}
This was a simplified overview of the project and some of the technical decisions I had to make.
It is far from perfect, but... I'm learning.
Feel free to explore the project's repo or try it live.
Thanks for reading.
— Djalil (PS: The D is silent.)
その名前をさあ、言ってごらん このぼくの名前を!
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