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Dmytro Habaznia
Dmytro Habaznia

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ESLint Configuration: Strictness vs Flexibility

An article from my personal blog:

ESLint is a powerful tool for enforcing coding standards and catching potential errors in JavaScript code. When configuring ESLint rules, finding the right balance between strictness and flexibility is crucial. Overly strict rules can lead to an overwhelming number of linting errors, while being too lenient may allow problematic code to slip through. In this article, we will explore strategies for striking the ideal balance in ESLint rule configuration to ensure code quality while maintaining developer productivity.

If you still don't have the ESLint in your project - check out the ESLint installation guide

1. Understand Your Project's Requirements

Who? When? Where? When? Why? How? Requirements

Before configuring ESLint rules, it's important to understand your project's specific requirements and coding style. Consider factors such as the project's size, complexity, team dynamics, and targeted audience. A project with a large team or strict code review process might benefit from more strict rules, while a small project or prototype might prioritize flexibility to iterate quickly. Understanding the project context will guide your decision-making process.

2. Start with a Sensible Baseline Configuration

To strike the initial balance, start with a sensible baseline configuration such as eslint:recommended or a popular shareable configuration. These configurations are widely accepted and cover many best practices. They provide a solid foundation to ensure code quality without overwhelming developers with excessive rule violations. Starting with a baseline allows you to fine-tune rules based on your project's needs.

3. Customize Rules for Your Project

Every project has its unique set of requirements and coding style preferences. Customize ESLint rules to align with your project's specific needs. Enable rules that enforce coding standards relevant to your project while disabling rules that may conflict with your chosen coding style or cause excessive noise. Strike a balance between enforcing best practices and allowing developers the flexibility to work efficiently.

How to customize your ESLint rules: Official Documentation Link

4. Gradually Increase Strictness

Gradually increasing graph

Striving for perfection from the start may hinder productivity and create resistance from the development team. Instead, consider gradually increasing the strictness of ESLint rules over time. Begin with a conservative configuration that catches critical issues and gradually add more rules as the team becomes accustomed to the linting process. This incremental approach helps developers embrace linting while maintaining a balance between productivity and code quality.

5. Leverage Rule Severity Levels

Stones on leverage

ESLint rules have severity levels: "off," "warn," and "error." Use these levels strategically to fine-tune the balance between strictness and flexibility. Consider assigning the "warn" severity to rules that catch potential issues or deviations from coding standards, allowing developers to address them at their discretion. Reserve the "error" severity for critical issues that must be fixed before the code can be considered valid. This approach ensures flexibility while highlighting important issues.

6. Collaborate with the Development Team

Team on a meeting

ESLint rule configuration should be a collaborative effort involving the development team. Encourage discussions and feedback regarding the rules and their impact on productivity. Conduct regular meetings or open channels for developers to express their concerns or suggest rule adjustments. By involving the team, you can foster a sense of ownership and consensus on the linting rules, leading to a more balanced and effective configuration.

7. Regularly Evaluate and Refine Rules

Maintaining the balance between strictness and flexibility requires regular evaluation and refinement of the ESLint rules. As the project evolves and coding standards mature, review the rules periodically. Seek feedback from the development team and consider adjustments based on the project's needs. Keep up to date with new ESLint releases and rule updates to take advantage of improved best practices and adapt to changing coding standards.


In conclusion, achieving the right balance between strictness and flexibility in ESLint rule configuration is a continuous process that requires a deep understanding of your project's requirements and the dynamics of your development team. By starting with a sensible baseline configuration, customizing rules to fit your project's needs, gradually increasing strictness, leveraging rule severity levels, collaborating with the team, and regularly evaluating and refining the rules, you can strike an optimal balance that promotes code quality without hindering developer productivity. Remember that finding the sweet spot may require experimentation and adjustments over time as your project evolves. With a well-balanced ESLint rule configuration, you can maintain coding standards, catch potential errors, and foster a productive and collaborative development environment.

Read more about ESLint

  • Mastering ESLint Configurations: Best Practices and Advanced Techniques: link
  • Difference between ESLint Plugins and Rules: link
  • Official documentation: link

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