Hello folks,
I've been refining some of my class notes into blog posts like the following:

Finding Minimum Spanning Trees with Kruskal's Algorithm
Tim Downey ・ Jun 17 '19
I rely heavily on images of graphs that I draw on an iPad and I try my best to provide decent alt text descriptions, but I realize that there's no way I can actually describe exactly what's in the graph short of pasting in a full adjacency list. Take this one for example:
That image is truly worth a thousand words and I can't think of how I could annotate it better using the tools available. I could be very verbose in my description of the correct minimum spanning trees in the picture, but I feel like the understandability of the post as a whole would suffer. I could only see that working if it were in some type of "for assistive technology only" element, but I'm pretty sure an alt
tag isn't it..
Does anyone have advice or tips for making this kind of content more accessible?
Top comments (2)
Try checking out this link on complex images...it should point you in the right direction w3.org/WAI/tutorials/images/complex/
Just saw this comment now. Thank you!