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Cover image for Twilio challenge entry: Mystery at Darkwood Manor

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Twilio challenge entry: Mystery at Darkwood Manor

This is a submission for the Twilio Challenge

What I Built

I built a small web based Murder Mystery game; ask the suspects questions to try and figure out the culprit.

I had a great time making it and hope you enjoy playing!

This is built in Vanilla JS and jQuery. The character images are by Freepik and the background and banner image is by upklyak on Freepik.


Play it here!

Screenshot of game 'Mystery at Darkwood Manor'

(A slightly messy) Source can be found at:

Twilio and AI

I used Twilio's functions to take the users chat input and character they are talking to, from there it generates the appropriate character prompt to send onto google Gemini. Once Gemini has a response, the Twilio function returns the generated text back to the user.

Gemini was used for both the character responses and for judging whether or not the user's guess at solving the mystery was correct or not.

Additional Prize Categories

Entertaining Endeavours A game where people can solve a mystery by asking their own questions instead of preset ones and getting unique responses, and judging those responses to work out inconsistencies. They can also write their theory as they see it.

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