DEV Community

Andreev Sergey
Andreev Sergey

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Why Is Talking to AI So Comfortable? I Think I Figured It Out.

When you ask AI for something, it simply responds. It doesn’t judge, argue, or hesitate—it just does what you ask. AI always starts from a state of acceptance.

People, on the other hand, have this peculiar habit: we often begin from a state of non-acceptance. You share an idea, and the first response is, “That’s a bad idea,” “It won’t work,” or “You haven’t thought it through.”

It’s only after several rounds of defending your idea that the other person might switch to acceptance and start helping. But by then, both of you are already drained.

This is why communities of interest feel so good. Everyone there has already accepted the topic. You can skip the exhausting stage of convincing others that your idea matters and dive straight into a meaningful discussion.

With AI, this happens by default. It’s always on your side. Maybe it’s just not “smart” enough yet to judge or critique, but honestly, I hope it stays that way.

Here’s a personal example. I recently told my mom we were moving to Phuket. Her first reaction? “That’s a terrible idea—there are only savages there!” After a few conversations, she calmed down, began to see the positives, and now fully supports us. But that initial pushback left a heavy feeling.

So here’s the takeaway: let’s learn from AI. It has a rare talent—seeing value in your words right away. That’s a skill we could all use more of.

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