
Cover image for 8 the most essential tested React Native libraries that will skyrocket your app 🚀
Daniil Sitdikov
Daniil Sitdikov

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8 the most essential tested React Native libraries that will skyrocket your app 🚀

I have an interesting relationship with React Native: it’s like an emotional rollercoaster, to be honest. Sometimes random compilation errors in my terminal make me cry and whine. But, in general, it’s amazing. Huge thanks Meta for this technology. In this article, I want to overview selected libraries that may improve any application.

1. React-Navigation for the awesome native animated transitions

A real-world example from my side-project

Basic screen navigation transition as we got used to them in front-end apps seems to be boring. Let's do that them native, more smoothly, more handsome. By the way, it also supports native header and tabs.

2. Lottie for the sophisticated animated images

Just a random animation from LottieFiles

You can live up your app with the interacted pictures. Lottie is a JSON-based file with some animation. This format is common and designed to be used on many platforms. You can create your own, ask a motion designer, or find something already existing. Just take a peer at the LottieFiles catalogue and you will better understand what do I mean.

3. Haptic-Feedback for the enjoyable micro-vibrations during user actions

It will involve the real-world experience in the digital one by providing touching feedback. However, be careful about overusing it. More information about use cases is described in Apple's guidelines.

4. Svg for any vector graphic like icons or pictures

The main drawback is that you have to convert SVG elements to the library's components firstly.

5. AsyncStorage with the same API LocalStorage has

Sometimes we need to store the user's settings, cache downloaded data, save sessions and so on. The library is built to satisfy this need. By the way, if for some reason you need a synchronized store you can use the alternative synchronized one.

6. In-App-Review for the user's feedback request

Image description
The easiest and cheapest way to increase the app's rating is just to ask users about that. I am sure that you came across it in native apps after the user scenario with a positive outcome. Good news: it works for Android as well.

7. Exception-Handler will prevent critical crashes and inform users

This magical thing can save your life. In any critical errors, your app won't just be closed. Now you have not just the opportunity to say sorry and that you are ashamed about what has just happened, but also the ability to provide a choice: relaunch the app or close it.

8. Bottom-Sheet for the bottom sliding area like in Instagram

No comments. Just take a look at the example below!
Usage in my app

Final Words

I wish you good luck with creating the best application in the world! ✨

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