This glossary contains a list of the most common metrics which may appear in articles, DevTools, Lighthouse, and other various tools for working with web performance. Everything is sorted in the alphabetical order.
The factual data is primarily sourced from MDN, and w3c, however the short description has been rewritten and enhanced.
Cumulative Layout Shift
Measurement Unit: Score (lower is better)
Shows how often users experience unexpected changes in the layout. It measures the instability of elements and their overall impact. For example, the banner element changes its height during the loading process, which causes a shift in the elements below.
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Refers to the moment in a webpage's loading process when the DOM is completely parsed. And all deferred scripts have downloaded and executed. It doesn't wait for resources.
First Contentful Paint
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures the time it takes for first bit of any actual content on a page to become visible on the screen. This includes text, images, background images, SVG elements, and non-white canvas elements.
First Input Delay
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures the time it takes for the browser to respond to a user's first interaction. This interaction can include clicks, hovers, touches, and other user events.
First Paint
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Marks the first time the browser renders anything visually different from the default background color of the body.
Interaction to Next Paint
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures the time it takes for the browser to paint the next frame after a user interaction.
On Load
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures the time when the entire page and its resources are fully loaded. It includes all dependent resources: stylesheets, scripts, iframes, and images.
Largest Contentful Paint
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures the time when the largest content block is rendered in the user viewport. The content may include images, background images, SVG, video, and text.
Speed Index
Measurement Unit: Score (lower is better)
Measures how swiftly the contents of a page are visually populated. Technically, in a graph, it is represented by the area above the curve, which will approach 0 as the page loads faster.
Total Blocking Time
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures the time between FCP and TTI when the main thread was blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness. More specifically, it's the sum of the blocking time for each long task (>50 ms). For web frameworks, this time is usually consumed by virtual DOM renders and hydration.
Time To First Byte
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures when the first byte of data from the web server reaches the browser.
Time to Interactive
Measurement Unit: Milliseconds (ms)
Measures the time when than at least for 5 seconds where weren't long tasks (>50ms) and no more than two in-flight network GET requests.
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