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Dukwe Onyamom
Dukwe Onyamom

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My Coding Journey

My name is Dukwe David Onyamom, let me tell you of the first time I heard of coding, I believe I was in 8th grade and euphoric at the mention of coding cause when I found out a lot of my games were coded I thought to myself to create a perfect game and proceeded to Play store to download a game maker, as of when i first went to a proper institution to learn coding i understood how niave i was when i couldn't make a single object move in python without a kids program named scratch, but nevertheless the nostalgia from coding from scratch took me by storm that i forgot what i was pissed at first that i knew nothing, but what truly marveled me where the thousands of lines of code it took to make an object move that was when I truly gave respect to programmers for i had just experienced the pain of debugging a program, this shifted the whole course of my career path which made me do computer scicence for i thought that computer science was an undercover name for programming and coding but i was wrong
Upon me entering computer science I was greeted by previous secondary school subjects I hated such as biology at this point I was demotivated but pushed hoping the real coding would start after the 1st semester
I was wrong
As I came home for my first holiday my mom urged me to meet my uncle and learn python, I was already so happy that I was going to learn what I have been eager about for so long, as of when I got there each lesson was the most intriguing thing I've done in my life each time I spent hours solving problems in Python i felt truly happy, i vividly remeber when i made a random pysdo number game i was overjoyed but all that came to an end once the holidays were over and I'm the 2nd year was over and i heard my uncle closed due to private reason there was a brief closage in my coding journey .

I resumed later, learning coding as part of my IT. Learning HTML and CSS is actually really interesting and long. But I believe with time and hardwork I'd understand it.
Well let's see what the future holds. I've come to understand how deep HTML truly is and indepth the structure is, but to be honest its still stressful and with the way the world is evolving maybe 10 years in the future AI would have made it easier.
That's my Programming Journey, and for people who want to learn any programming language I say this "sometimes you'll cry but when you cry you play small blood strike and ride on"and I mean that it's not a get rich quick scheme you'll have to be dedicated.

Top comments (3)

mantlecore profile image

I remember when I first started programming. I began with HTML, CSS, and Python. It was fascinating, but over 8 years, I gradually shifted towards C++. Your journey brought back many memories for me. I understand the initial excitement and subsequent challenges. Learning to code can be a rollercoaster, with moments of frustration and triumph.

Finding a community of fellow learners and mentors who could offer guidance and support really helped me. Your uncle played a crucial role in your learning, and even though he had to stop teaching, it's clear that your passion for coding didn't diminish.

As you continue to learn HTML and CSS, remember that every challenge you face is a step towards becoming a better programmer. The complexity and depth of these technologies can be daunting, but with persistence, you'll master them. Perhaps in the future, AI will make some of these tasks easier, just as you mentioned.

Your advice about perseverance is spot on. Programming isn't a quick path to success, but the dedication and hard work you put into it will pay off in the long run. Keep pushing forward, and don't be afraid to explore different programming languages and technologies as you go.

Thank you for sharing your story. It's inspiring to see how far you've come and the enthusiasm you have for coding. Best of luck with your continued studies and projects. I look forward to hearing more about your journey in the future!

jaydenomins profile image

Brought me to tears fam😭

duk3 profile image
Dukwe Onyamom