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Cover image for Day 1023 : Race Against Time

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Day 1023 : Race Against Time

liner notes:

  • Professional : So I took off yesterday to make a quick trip to Atlanta to look at some properties. I left like 2 am and made it back to Orlando before like 10 minutes before my first meeting, haha. It was really a race against time. For being SUPER tired, I actually got some stuff done. Created a couple of files that were requested for an application I made. Reviewed some comments left on a blog post that I'm writing. Started working on refactoring a sample application to use some new credentials. Not a bad day at all considering I've been awake for a very long time! haha

  • Personal : So, like I mentioned. I went to Atlanta to look at some land. I made it to the property and walked around. I couldn't go too deep because the bushes were pretty thick, but there was a space kind of cleared so I was able to check it out some. There's a slope to the land, but I guess that's normal in Georgia. I'm from Florida where everything is pretty flat. From what I can understand, I think the terms are level and grading a property were you basically add dirt and stuff to make the property flat enough to build a house on top of. You can kind of see that it was done with other houses in the area. After that, I drove to a 24 gas station that I've stayed at before, filled my gas tank, got some food, did some work on the radio show, signed some documents pertaining to the property and went to sleep early since I would need to get up early to head back.

A still, clear river flows through a lush, tropical forest. The water is glassy, reflecting the surrounding trees and their intricate root systems. The roots of the trees reach out from the banks, some dipping into the water. The forest is dense and humid, with a sense of mystery and tranquility. The location is Indian River, Dominica.

I'm still pretty tired. During my lunch break, I worked on putting together the social media posts for what I'm picking up on Bandcamp this week. I also took a nap for part of my lunch break. I thought of a new side project and saw a pretty good domain name that was available for pretty cheap so I bought it. It's kind of close to the current project I'm working on but a different use case. Going to look into updating the framework I'm using for this current project since it's been a minute since I started working on it. I may just fall out and go to sleep. We'll see. Going to eat and get my steps in.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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