liner notes:
Professional : Pretty chill and productive day. Helped a person in the community channel that had a question. Spent most of the day working on adding functionality to a server so that I can refactor a sample application to use new credentials. After a couple of rabbit holes, I was able to get the server working and then the sample app to work with new credentials. Just need to do some clean up next week.
Personal : Spent a bunch of time researching deeper into the property I've been looking at purchasing. I even created an image that overlays an elevation map over a satellite map so that I can really get an understanding of the terrain to make sure I would be able to use it to build my house eventually. There's a slope in the front and I was kind of concerned. Spoke with some folks that made me comfortable that it could work out. I was so tired from the drive that I basically fell asleep.
Can't believe the weekend is here already. I think it's because Monday was a holiday and I took off Wednesday to do that quick trip. Going to finish up putting together the radio show. Maybe work on my side project. We'll see. About to eat dinner and complete my step goal before getting to work. So yeah, Saturday for the radio show and Sunday for the study sessions at
Have a great night and weekend!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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