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Cover image for Day 218: Overdrive

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Day 218: Overdrive

liner notes:

  • Professional : Got up early again to take part in the talk prep session. It was on Git and I'm always up for learning more about Git. Had a couple meetings and then worked on extending the Web Component I've been working on for a new use case for my next blog post.

  • Personal : Ordered some food and other things that should be at my folks place in a couple of days. Last night, I think I may have worked out the structured data for the event page that will be customized for each event. I'm hoping that it will help with SEO. Once I have it deployed, I'll be able to make sure the structured data works with a testing tool from Google. Also, got it working so that depending on different criteria only certain buttons will display and when clicking on those, you can switch views. So, if there is video, the video button shows up, same with the map. The details section will always show up. Came out pretty cool.

A lighthouse on the coast of Lladdwyn Island, Wales with mountains in the distance

Going to edit the recording from the last week's radio show and get it submitted to the station. I want to finish up the different sections of the event page and format the data to fill out event page. Also want to get the meta data so that there is a preview/card when a link is posted to social media. Really need to kick things in overdrive if I want to have meetup organizers to use my side project. Going to be a full night.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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