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Cover image for Day 6 : Treal

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Day 6 : Treal

liner notes:

  • Saturday : Did the radio show, as usual. Had a great time, as usual. Got a nice message from listener and their family from overseas. Makes doing the show even more enjoyable! Thanks to everyone that checks out OUR show every week. You can check out the recording for this week's show at . OUR show's show image of a message from a listener.
  • Sunday : Took it pretty easy. Did some post radio show promotional work. Caught up on some episodes of anime. Got a good amount of work done on refactoring the code for my personal site. Created some API endpoints to pull data when I want so that I don't have to load Firebase, which is pretty large. My site doesn't need to have an ongoing connection with Firebase to get realtime updates. I want the site to only load what it needs to show on the page. I think that will increase the speed that my site loads. So far, that looks like it's the case.

Ariel photo of Plougonvelin, France country side.
Today I got assigned a new project for this week. It sounds pretty cool. I'm going to be using React. It's been a minute. I'll get to use Hooks and whatever else has come out since I last built a project with React.

I also got some comments on the pull requests I did on Friday. Some really good points and I replied on some to further explain what I had in mind. This helped me in making sure I can clearly explain my thought process. So, made the suggested changes and did another pull request. Hopefully I can get it merged. Then I'll know it's Treal! haha

Going to deploy the refactored version of my personal site and see how it works out. There are more things I want to do like make it a Progressive Web App.

Been a great start to the week.

Let's continue it through out the week and beyond!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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