liner notes:
Professional : Another day that time flew by. I got up early to catch a meeting that was set for folks in Europe and Asia. Went back to sleep right after. Got up in time for a couple of more meetings. Spent the rest of the day updating some Web Components.
Personal : Last night, I went through a bunch of tracks and worked a little on my side project. Mostly cleaning up the response that comes back from authorizing a user. Finally watched "You People". It was pretty good. I enjoyed it.
Going to go through more tracks and I think after this, I'll have enough for this upcoming show and a few in the future. I'll just need to put it together tomorrow. I think I'll need to add a store to my side project so that I can get the user object in different components. I think I can use stores to also run things like verifying the JWT and making sure the user is authorized before every call just to make sure they are who they say they are. Got some more research to do and play around with some stuff to test it out. So this is probably the last night I'll have this Chromebook because I'll be shipping it out to be repaired tomorrow. I should be able to continue on my side project on my old Chromebook in the mean time, hopefully. It's pretty old and was running slow. It's amazing how quickly devices can get slow. Steep Life. haha I probably just need to clear some old files off it. Maybe I'll watch some anime to end the night.
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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