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Cover image for Day 776 : Highway

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Day 776 : Highway

liner notes:

  • Professional : Pretty typical day. Had a couple of meetings and worked on updating an API reference. I'm almost done. I can see the finish line. Been on this highway for a while! haha.

  • Personal : So yesterday was 'Merica Day so I had the day off. Took that opportunity to get a lot done with my side project. I finally figured out how to get either the canvas or a selected image sent to the backend and uploaded to GitHub. Now I just need to get the design on the canvas based on the session's data. Going to do a deep dive into canvas. I also got caught up on the "Dr. Stone" episodes and went through some tracks for the radio show.

Large stones structures coming out of the water in Hallet Cove, Australia

Going to work some more on my side project with the canvas. The design I have in mind is super simple. Text at the top half and some images on the bottom half. Everything is based on what the user enters so I'll need to do some calculations to make sure everything looks okay. Planning on going though some tracks and then end the night watching the new "Secret Invasion".

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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