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Cover image for Day 973 : Deal With That

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Day 973 : Deal With That

liner notes:

  • Professional : So... after all that time I spent filling out the form for the visa, I got rejected, again. The reason was the same as before, the wrong type was chosen. The organizer is telling me that it's the right type, but the visa people are saying it's not. I'm not going to deal with it anymore. I'm throwing in the towel and let someone else deal with that. haha Responded to some community questions. Spent the rest of the day working on refactoring a project.

  • Personal : Went through some tracks for the radio show. Worked a little on my side project. Didn't do too much. Watched an episode of "The Boys" and went to sleep.

The photo shows a beautiful mountain landscape with a lake in the foreground. The water is a crystal-clear blue-green color, and the sky is a deep blue with hazy clouds. The mountains in the background are snow-capped, and the trees are a lush green. There is a small island in the lake with several trees on it. The island is located in the middle of the lake and is surrounded by water. The sky is clear with a few clouds. The photo was taken from the shore of the lake, and there are no people in the photo. The location is Spirit Island, AB, Canada.

Going to go through more tracks for the radio show. I really need to finish this logo for my side project and get it uploaded. Probably end the night watching a couple of episodes of "Demon Slayer". Going to eat dinner and get to work.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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