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Cover image for Day 989 : Glitch

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Day 989 : Glitch

liner notes:

  • Professional : Started off the day with a meeting with my immediate team to talk about how things are going on with our projects. Had some time to take a look at the community board for any questions. Had a wider team meeting. Went back to work on refactoring a project to use a new SDK. Had a quick session with a team member to work out an issue I was having with the refactor project. The solution was something small that I knew the solution because I've done it before, but missed so I was glad to get that working. Guess I had a brain glitch. Continued finishing up the UI around that fix. Put into place some code to test a functionality. Started working on updating a Web Component I'm using in the application to extend it for new functionality. Pretty good day.

  • Personal : Went through some tracks for the radio show. Browsed through Bandcamp for projects to pick up. Looked at some land. Bought a new travel backpack. Did some research on my side project. Started watching "The Suicide Squad" anime but was so tired, I fell asleep. I think that was everything.

A nighttime image of a dark forest with a silhouetted mountain range and starry sky. The trees have tall dark trunks and a few dark green leaves. The Milky Way galaxy is prominent in the night sky with several shooting stars streaking across it. The ground is a dark green. Location: Lake Matheson, New Zealand.

Whew... I took a nap after work. It's been kind of gloomy and rainy all day. At least it wasn't super hot. Going to pick up projects on Bandcamp and set up social media posts. Maybe put together tracks for the radio show. There's a new episode of "The Boys" so I'll be watching that and maybe finish the episode of "The Suicide Squad" anime.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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