liner notes:
Professional : Pretty chill day back at work. Worked on a refactor of a library I made to include some new functionality. Spoke with some folks about an upcoming conference that I'll be attending. Looked through the community channels and responded to any questions.
Personal : Made it back last night from my trip. Spent like 13 hours driving over that past 2 days. Still pretty tired. I did get a lot of stuff done though. I think I may have finally a good property that has everything I'm dreaming of. I just need confirmation about some details on a form and I think we should be good. Fingers crossed, because I'm still tired from this trip. haha. I put together the social media posts for the projects I picked up on Bandcamp.
So, the final episode for the 4th Season of "The Boys" came out. Looking forward to checking that out after I put together the radio show for tomorrow and do some coding on my side project. Check out the radio show on Saturday at and Sunday at
Have a great night and weekend!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /
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