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Cover image for Day 998 : Bittersweet

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Day 998 : Bittersweet

liner notes:

  • Professional : Today became a day from impromptu things popping up. First, a coworker wanted to bounce some ideas for a project they were thinking about building for a hackathon we have coming up. I went to work on some Web Components to handle a use case I didn't think of. I go to the repo to get the files and noticed that some updates were suggested on some files that don't have really anything to do with the Web Components themselves, but the server that can be used when working on them. This took sooooo long! haha And many times, it would fail and I would have to do it all over again! I couldn't really stop halfway to do my updates because I know that would cause some issues when I try to upload my files back to the repo. So long. Finally when that finished updating, I get a question in the community slack that took a long time to debug as well. Even went a little over after my clock out time, but it's fine. It was bittersweet. Glad we were able to get it working, but I wish they would have asked earlier. While helping debug, I was able to work a little on my Web Components. Good news is that I think the idea I came up with yesterday will handle the use case I came across. I was able to incorporate the change in one of the Web Components and it seems to work. I'll just need to do the same for the others. I'll probably do that over the weekend so I can finally get it done.

  • Personal : Last night, I picked up the projects on Bandcamp and set up the social media posts that I posted today. Also went through some tracks for the radio show. Did a little research on how I want the front page of my application to work. Ended the night watching an episode of "Suicide Squad Isekai". I thought it was the last episode, but I guess I just got caught up because another episode was added.

A wide shot of a desert landscape with a vast expanse of red rock formations with a blue sky and white clouds. The red rocks are tall and jagged, and there are a few green bushes scattered in front of them. The path is made of dirt and is surrounded by tall grass. The location is: Buckskin Gulch, UT, USA

Going to take my walk and reach my step goal since the UV index is low and it's not super hot outside. Then I'll eat dinner. Still need to finish the prep work for the radio show tomorrow. I want to get a working proof of concept for the front page of my side project. Then I'll end the night watching an episode of "Suicide Squad Isekai". I may stay up late to get ahead on my weekend. So yeah, radio show on Saturday ( and study sessions on Sunday (

Have a great night and weekend!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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