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Dylan Lacey
Dylan Lacey

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Better Debugging Output: The Console.Assert Way!

Debuggers? In MY Console?

Using the console to debug applications seems to make people big mad.

The thing I find objectionable about the "Don't use Console!" story is summed up in this quote:

many developers regularly use the console object’s log method in a way that I think is incorrect.

See, the thing is, despite having (and perhaps one day sharing) rebuttals for many of the admittedly well made points, the truth is that I simply don't care if you think I'm wrong and ultimately you can't stop me.

I like using console debugging despite knowing of "Better" solutions. This series is going to explore features of the JS Console I don't see as often as the venerable console.log(), in the hopes that you'll like it too. This time, we're making our logging less verbose, with console.assert().




You call console.assert() with a boolean condition and a message; The message is only output if the condition evaluates to false.

console.assert(someMsg.includes("All is Well"), "There has been An Incident.")

// someMsg = "Calamity! Perfidy! Tragedy!"
// Output: 
Assertion failed: There has been An Incident.
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Why is this better?

Logging can give us different kinds of information. Some log data is structural and lets us know what code is executing.

Some log data is operational and lets us know what data is being executed on.

Typically, I want all structural log data when I'm debugging, so I can fully trace my application flow. Contrariwise, I only want operational data that relates to the error I'm tracking down. If an error-like condition hasn't occurred, operational log data often doesn't tell me anything.

The Beauty of Asserting False

I usually only want output if the expected behaviour doesn't happen, so semantically, this makes sense. I tell the JS engine what I want, and it only alerts me if it doesn't happen. Mentally, I only have to think about what "correct" looks like, not what might be "incorrect".

Make the output better

Auto-append object values

Another console.assert option is to pass a condition and an array of objects. If the condition is false, the objects are stringified, appended together and output. This can save you writing a custom error message, which is 🧑🏼‍🍳💋.

let good_investments = ["Mines", "Urchins", "New Fangled Electricity"]
let bad_investments = ["Radium Health Tonics"]

console.assert(bad_investments.length == 0, bad_investments);

// Output:
Assertion failed: Radium Health Tonics
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Output Formatting

What if we want something more then just a set of object values? We could pre-format a message string, or.... We could use string substitutions to do it inline!

let good_investments = ["Mines", "Urchins", "New Fangled Electricity"]
let bad_investment = "Radium Health Tonics"

let losses = {
    pounds: 150,
    reputation: 47,
    body_parts: ["Teeth", "Jaw"]

    bad_investment.length == 0,
    "%s has cost you %d Pounds and reduced your reputation by %f%",

Assertion failed: Radium Health Tonics has cost you 150 Pounds and reduced your reputation by 47%
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If you're confused about what's happening here, check out my rapid guide to the Console method string substitutions.

Object String Substitution (My favourite bit)

In fact, that same article shows off Object substitution, which is extremely useful here. Instead of:

Assertion failed: [object Object]
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Object substitution lets console.append return a nicely formatted message to the CLI... and an expandable, clickable Object in the browser console! Click it, and you'll go directly to the inspector to dig around and see what's gone wrong.

    "Your %O exceed %d pounds. See %o.", 

Assertion failed: Your >Losses exceed 150 pounds. See >History.
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So that's the power of console.assert! Rich, compact debugging messages that show up only when needed, giving you ample ability to present and explore the relevant information.

If you liked this, please hit the Dopamine (❤️) Switches (🦄) on the left, and subscribe to my writing for the next entry in the JS Console Debugging series!


Header image is by @Sigmund, used under the Unsplash License.

Top comments (2)

diballesteros profile image
Diego (Relatable Code)

Nice write-up on console.assert. Would be nice to have an more in-depth guide on the dev tools debugger in chromium based browsers.

dylanlacey profile image
Dylan Lacey

Thank you! I'm intending to cover several other methods the console has available; If they're well received I might extend that to other features as well.