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V Sai Harsha
V Sai Harsha

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<=60s - Big O Notation


Big O notation is a crucial concept in computer science and programming. It helps us analyze the efficiency of algorithms and understand how their performance scales with input size. In under 60 seconds, let's dive into why it's essential.

Why Big O Notation?

Big O notation provides a standardized way to describe the upper bound of an algorithm's time or space complexity. This allows us to compare algorithms objectively and choose the most efficient one for a specific task. Whether you're optimizing code for a small personal project or working on a massive software application, understanding Big O can save you time and resources.

For example, if you know an algorithm is O(n) (linear time complexity), you can expect it to handle larger inputs more efficiently than an O(n^2) (quadratic time complexity) algorithm.


In the fast-paced world of programming, every second counts. Learning Big O notation might take a few minutes, but it can lead to significant time and resource savings in the long run. So, invest a little time now to make your code more efficient later.

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