DEV Community

Ed Marrs
Ed Marrs

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College Project Reflections

Hey everyone!

In this post, I'll be talking about my experiences with one of the projects that I made over the course of my 4-year education at Marist College. For reference, I will be graduating on May 23rd 2020, with a B.S. In both Computer Science and Game Design, with minors in both IT and IS.

The project in question is my semester-long capstone project for my CS degree, a game called "Chaos and Catacombs." I was the lead programmer on the team, with 6 other members being apart of development. We knew going into the project we wanted to make a Castlevania inspired game with a bit of a twist, that twist being that parts of it were randomized. This includes enemy placement and items that would spawn in the level.

One of the scariest parts of our development cycle was when we were asked midway through the project to add a multiplayer feature. Anyone who knows about game development knows that multiplayer is one of those things you want to plan for the beginning, not add in retroactively. This meant a lot of the functionality of the game had to be altered and scaled back in order to fit within our tight schedule.

The course of development took 4 months, and the game was released in December of 2019 for free on The development process was quite arduous and intensive on me, but it was very interesting to see the game development cycle. Overall I was extremely happy with the finished product and it was an experience I will not soon forget.

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