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Automate Microsoft 365 Migrations with Cloudiway Rest Apis

Cloudiway is a Cloud migration platform that allows to migrate your data between tenants (Mailboxes, Drives, Teams, sites ).

This article explains how to use the Cloudiway Rest Apis to automate the migration.


  • You need to create an account in the Cloudiway platform .
  • Authentication is done using a PAT (Personal Access Token). You need to create a PAT

Procedure to create a PAT:
In the upper right, click on ACCOUNT then API

Image description
Click on Create a new Token and fill the information:

  • Give a name to your PAT
  • Define an expiration date
  • Define the CRUD operations that are authorized

Image description

Click on Create and save your PAT for the next steps.

Create your first application:
The Swagger definition of the Cloudiway APIs can be found here: Swagger definitions

Set the project that you wish to access.
You need to define your project ID.
In the swagger URL, login ( Click on Authorize and paste your PAT).
Then call the /projects endpoint and note the projectID of your choice.

Image description

You are now ready to programmatically manipulate the Cloudiway platform:
You global settings will look like this:
$global:HOSTURL = ''
$userId = '' #Your Login
$userPass = 'YourPassword' #Your Password


$global:TOKEN = 'Your PAT'

Identify the project you want to work on and insert the projectId here
$global:PROJID = 1234

Create a user programmatically

  $FirstName = "Test"
  $lastName = "User"
  $SourcePoolId = 1
  $TargetPoolId = 2
  $SourceEmail = ""
  $TargetEmail = ""
  $TargetRecipientType = 1 #1 = onedrive, 2= sharepoint
  $TargetChannelName = "" #not used
  $TargetFolder= "" #not used
  $TargetLibrary= "" #not used
  $this.TargetSiteName= "" #not used

  function GetHeader(){
  $Header = @{
      "accept" = "*/*"
      "Authorization" = "Bearer $global:BEARERTOKEN" 
      "projectId" = $global:PROJID
     return $Header
  function CreateFileUser(){    
        $BodyJson = @{
            firstName = $this.FirstName
            lastName = $this.LastName
            sourcePoolId = $this.SourcePoolId
            targetPoolId = $this.TargetPoolId
            sourceEmail = $this.SourceEmail
            targetEmail = $this.TargetEmail
            targetRecipientType = $this.TargetRecipientType
            targetChannelName = $this.TargetChannelName
            targetFolder =$this.TargetFolder
            targetLibrary = $this.TargetLibrary
        $Parameters = @{
            Method = "Post"
            Uri = "$global:HOSTURL/ap1/File"
            Headers = GetHeader
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body = ($BodyJson | ConvertTo-Json)

        $this.ResponseObject = Invoke-FrontAPI($Parameters) | ConvertFrom-Json
        $this.ResponseJson = $this.ResponseObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100   
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Start the migration programmatically

Let's define a job class:

class Jobs



        $Parameters = @{
            Method = "Post"
            Uri = "$global:HOSTURL/ap1/Jobs/StartJobs/$PType/$JType"
            Headers = GetHeader
            ContentType = "application/json"
            Body = $this.StartJobsList

        $this.ResponseObject = Invoke-FrontAPI($Parameters) | ConvertFrom-Json
        $this.ResponseJson = $this.ResponseObject | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100   
#Now we just have to call it:
function StartFileJobs{
  param ([int]$JobType, [string]$ListIDs)
  Write-Host "Start Jobs: " -ForegroundColor Yellow
  $Jobs = [Jobs]::new()
  $Jobs.StartJobsList= $ListIDs
  $Jobs.ProductType = 6 #6 is for File, do not modify
  $Jobs.JobType = $JobType 
  Write-Host $Jobs.ResponseJson
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Further reading

Full rest api documentation is available here.

Top comments (1)

jaloplo profile image
Jaime López

I don't see where Microsoft 365 is involved here. Can you add an example for migrating a SharePoint Online site between two tenants???