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Cover image for 5-Step Approach: ProjectSveltos Event Framework for Kubernetes Deployment with Cilium Gateway API
Eleni Grosdouli
Eleni Grosdouli

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5-Step Approach: ProjectSveltos Event Framework for Kubernetes Deployment with Cilium Gateway API


In the previous post, we demonstrated how easy it is to deploy ArgoCD with the Cilium Gateway API and move away from the Kubernetes Ingress. In today’s post, we will explore how the Projectsveltos Event Framework can be utilised to seamlessly perform the same deployment based on an event.

The Sveltos Event Framework was designed to automate the deployment of Kubernetes add-ons triggered on specific cluster events. This functionality proves invaluable in managing environments spanning across multiple clusters.

Sveltos supports an event-driven workflow with the below steps:

  1. Define what the event is
  2. Select the clusters to watch for such events
  3. Define an event trigger. Which add-ons/applications to deploy when the events occur

Once we identify the event we want Sveltos to watch for, we can deploy the EventSource and EventTrigger Kubernetes CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions). More information about these resources can be found later on.


Sveltos Event Framework<br>


To follow along, it is strongly advised to take a look at a previous post detailing the deployment of Sveltos on a cluster. To install Sveltos, just follow the instructions outlined in steps 1 and 2 of the mentioned post. Additionally, as we will use the Cilium Gateway API, have a look at the previous post to enable this capability on an RKE2 cluster.

Lab Setup

— — — — — -+ — — — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — — — — — — -+
| Cluster Name | Type | Version |
+ — — — — — — -+ — — — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — — — — -+
| rke2-mgmt01 | Management Cluster | RKE2 v1.26.12+rke2r1 |
| rke2-sles-demo | Managed Cluster | RKE2 v1.26.12+rke2r1|
+ — — — — — -+ — — — — — — — — — — + — — — — — — — — — — — — -+

- — — — — — -+ — — — — -+
| Deployment | Version |
+ — — — — — — -+ — — — — -+
| ArgoCD | v2.9.3 |
| Cilium | v1.14.5 |
| GatewayAPI | v0.7.0 |
+ — — — — — — -+ — — — — -+
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Step 1: Register and label the RKE2 cluster with Sveltos

Once the RKE2 cluster is in a “Running” state, we will use the sveltosctl to register it. For the registration, we need three things: a service account, a kubeconfig associated with that account and a namespace. If you are unsure how to create a Service Account and an associated kubeconfig, there is a script publicly available to help you out.


$ sveltosctl register cluster --namespace=projectsveltos --cluster=rke2-sles-demo --kubeconfig=rke2-sles-demo.yaml
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$ kubectl get sveltoscluster -n projectsveltos
NAME               READY   VERSION
rke2-sles-demo   true    v1.26.12+rke2r1
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Assing Label

$ kubectl label sveltoscluster rke2-sles-demo env=staging -n projectsveltos
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$ kubectl get sveltoscluster -n projectsveltos --show-labels
NAME             READY   VERSION           LABELS
rke2-sles-demo   true    v1.26.12+rke2r1   env=staging,sveltos-agent=present
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For the demonstration, we will use the label ‘env=staging’ to specify the cluster we want to deploy the Gateway and the HTTPRoute resources.

Step 2: Pre-Work (management cluster)

Before we move on with the Gateway API implementation, we need to create additional Kubernetes resources for the managed cluster (rke2-sles-demo).

  • ArgoCD namespace
  • ArgoCD TLS Secret
  • Cilium IP Pool
  • Cilium GatewayClass
  • Gateway
  • HTTPRoute

To utilise the power of Sveltos, we will create the above resources in the management cluster as a Secret and configMap resource and use the Sveltos ClusterProfile to deploy them to the managed cluster.

More information on how to create the above resources can be found here.

ArgoCD Namespace

If the namespace does not exist in the managed cluster, Sveltos will create it!

ArgoCD TLS Secret

apiVersion: v1
  tls.crt: {base64 encoded .crt}
  tls.key: {base64 encoded .key}
kind: Secret
  name: argocd-server-tls
  namespace: argocd
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$ kubectl create secret generic argocd-server-tls --from-file=argocd_server_tls.yaml
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Cilium IP Pool

apiVersion: ""
kind: CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool
  name: "rke2-pool"
  - cidr: ""

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$ kubectl create configmap ipampool --from-file=ipam-pool.yaml
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Cilium GatewayClass

kind: GatewayClass
  name: cilium
  controllerName: io.cilium/gateway-controller
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$ kubectl create configmap gatewayclass --from-file=gatewayclass.yaml
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kind: Gateway
  name: argocd
  namespace: argocd
  gatewayClassName: cilium
  - hostname:
    name: argocd-example-com-http
    port: 80
    protocol: HTTP
  - hostname:
    name: argocd-example-com-https
    port: 443
    protocol: HTTPS
      - kind: Secret
        name: argocd-server-tls
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$ kubectl create configmap gateway --from-file=gateway.yaml
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kind: HTTPRoute
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: argocd
  namespace: argocd
  - name: argocd
  - backendRefs:
    - name: argocd-server
      port: 80
    - path:
        type: PathPrefix
        value: /
  parents: []
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$ kubectl create configmap gateway --from-file=httproute.yaml
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$ kubectl get secret
NAME                TYPE                                       DATA   AGE
argocd-server-tls   1      20m

$ kubectl get cm
NAME               DATA   AGE
gateway            1      35s
gatewayclass       1      20m
httproute          1      3s
ipam-pool          1      22m
kube-root-ca.crt   1      141m
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kind: ClusterProfile
 name: cilium-gateway-api
 clusterSelector: env=staging
 syncMode: Continuous
 - name: ipampool
   namespace: default
   kind: ConfigMap
 - name: gatewayclass
   namespace: default
   kind: ConfigMap
 - name: argocd-server-tls
   namespace: default
   kind: Secret
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The ClusterProfile definition will match the managed cluster with the label selector set to ‘env=staging’ and deploy the Cilium IP Pool, the GatewayClass and the ArgoCD TLS secret.

Apply ClusterProfile

$ kubectl apply -f "clusterprofile.yaml"
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$ sveltosctl show addons

|            CLUSTER            |             RESOURCE TYPE              | NAMESPACE |       NAME        | VERSION |             TIME              |                  PROFILES                   |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |     |           | rke2-pool         | N/A     | 2024-02-11 17:39:58 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/cilium-gateway-api           |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo | |           | cilium            | N/A     | 2024-02-11 17:39:58 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/cilium-gateway-api           |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo | :Secret                                | argocd    | argocd-server-tls | N/A     | 2024-02-11 17:39:58 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/cilium-gateway-api           |
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Step 3: Define the Event Framework (management cluster)

As mentioned at the beginning of the post, we will use the EventSource to define which events Sveltos will watch for and the EventTrigger resource to perform actions based on an event.


kind: EventSource
 name: http-https-service
 collectResources: true
 - group: ""
   version: "v1"
   kind: "Service"
   namespace: argocd
   evaluate: |
     function evaluate()
       hs = {}
       hs.matching = false
       if obj.spec.ports ~= nil then
         for _,p in pairs(obj.spec.ports) do
           if p.port == 80 or p.port == 443 then
             hs.matching = true
       return hs
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The EventSource uses the Lua language to search for any services with ports set to 80 or 443 in the ‘argocd’ namespace. More examples can be found here.


kind: EventTrigger
 name: service-network-policy
 sourceClusterSelector: env=staging
 eventSourceName: http-https-service
 oneForEvent: true
 - name: httproute
   namespace: default
   kind: ConfigMap
 - name: gateway  
   namespace: default
   kind: ConfigMap
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Apply Resources

$ kubectl apply -f "eventsource.yaml" created

$ kubectl apply -f "eventtrigger.yaml" created
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Once an event is spotted by Sveltos, the HTTPRoute and Gateway Kubernetes add-ons will get deployed on the managed cluster with the label selector set to ‘env=staging’. In our case, the cluster ‘rke2-sles-demo’ will match the ClusterSelector and will automatically get the specified resources.

Step 4: Deploy ArgoCD Manifests (managed cluster)

Now, it is time to deploy the ArgoCD manifests and wait Sveltos to notice the event and trigger the deployment of the HTTPRoute and Gateway resources in the ‘argocd’ namespace.

$ kubectl apply -n argocd -f
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Step 5: Verification and Tests

As we have installed the ArgoCD manifests, the ‘argocd-server’ service should have been created in the ‘argocd’ namespace. That means the Sveltos EventSource should have been activated and triggered the deployment of the HTTPRoute and Gateway Kubernetes resources.

Sveltos Verification

$ sveltosctl show addons
|            CLUSTER            |             RESOURCE TYPE              | NAMESPACE |       NAME        | VERSION |             TIME              |                  PROFILES                   |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |     |           | rke2-pool         | N/A     | 2024-02-11 19:55:52 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/cilium-gateway-api           |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo | |           | cilium            | N/A     | 2024-02-11 19:55:52 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/cilium-gateway-api           |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo | :Secret                                | argocd    | argocd-server-tls | N/A     | 2024-02-11 19:55:52 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/cilium-gateway-api           |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |    | argocd    | argocd            | N/A     | 2024-02-11 19:55:52 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-1lbzxnp4cs96gpo38g8b |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |      | argocd    | argocd            | N/A     | 2024-02-11 19:55:52 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-1lbzxnp4cs96gpo38g8b |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |    | argocd    | argocd            | N/A     | 2024-02-11 19:55:52 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-i0nmkq3ebsvpis8ubd3s |
| projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |      | argocd    | argocd            | N/A     | 2024-02-11 19:55:52 +0100 CET | ClusterProfile/sveltos-i0nmkq3ebsvpis8ubd3s |

$ sveltosctl show usage
| RESOURCE KIND  | RESOURCE NAMESPACE |        RESOURCE NAME         |           CLUSTERS            |
| ClusterProfile |                    | cilium-gateway-api           | projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |
| ClusterProfile |                    | sveltos-fvc3vr84yqusfzwpobcl | projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |
| ConfigMap      | default            | gateway                      | projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |
| ConfigMap      | default            | ipampool                     | projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |
| ConfigMap      | default            | gatewayclass                 | projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |
| ConfigMap      | default            | httproute                    | projectsveltos/rke2-sles-demo |

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Managed Cluster Verification

$ kubectl get gateway,httproute -n argocd
NAME                                       CLASS    ADDRESS        PROGRAMMED   AGE   cilium   True         78s

NAME                                         HOSTNAMES                AGE   [""]   78s
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Test ArgoCD Accessibility

curl -ki
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
accept-ranges: bytes
content-length: 788
content-security-policy: frame-ancestors 'self';
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
vary: Accept-Encoding
x-frame-options: sameorigin
x-xss-protection: 1
date: Sun, 11 Feb 2024 18:59:57 GMT
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 0
server: envoy

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Note: As we use a self-sign certificate the argocd-cmd-params-cm ConfigMap in the argocd namespace should include the following setting server.insecure: “true”.

As expected, Sveltos took care of the complete lifecycle of the different Kubernetes deployments in a simple and straightforward manner! The example might seem simplistic but think about it on a bigger scale with hundreds of clusters across a multicloud setup. Imagine the flexibility of setting Sveltos labels to a cluster, defining the event source to trigger an action and having a Kubernetes deployment on a cluster. In the next post, we will demonstrate the power of Events in a cross multi-cluster environment.

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The GitHub repo is a great resource for getting started with the project. It contains the code, documentation, and many more examples.

Thanks for reading!


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