DEV Community

Edrick Ee
Edrick Ee

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Multiple layers of nested json Join tables without using join method for faster retrieval time (PostgreSQL)

Instead of using JOIN method, write your nested query directly inside of nested query using () !!!
It is much faster than JOIN method query !!!

Mind blowing

SELECT product_id, json_agg(json_build_object(
      'style_id', id,
      'name', name,
      'original_price', original_price,
      'sale_price', sale_price,
      'default?', default_style,

// use your json_agg inside of another json_agg with parentheses!

      (SELECT json_agg(json_build_object(
          'thumbnail_url', thumbnail_id,
          'url', url
        )) FROM photos WHERE style_id =,

// Object in object can be also used using parentheses!!

            'size', size,
            'quantity', quantity
          ) as skus
        FROM skus
        WHERE style_id =
            GROUP by style_id)
    )) as results FROM styles
        WHERE styles.product_id = 1
          GROUP BY product_id
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'default?', (default_style::int::bool) can be used if type is integer instead of boolean

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