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How to Automate Configurations for Chrome Extensions: Seeking Suggestions for Using JavaScript, Selenium, or Hammerspoon

In our modern world, it's easy to get sidetracked by online diversions. To combat this, I've been using a couple of Chrome extensions - Video Speed Controller and Vimium - to improve my productivity to do more important things, like watching cat videos. However, I find that manually configuring these extensions can be time-consuming.

To solve this, I'm working on a project to automate the process of opening the configuration page of these extensions and executing JavaScript to set their configurations. I've considered using AppleScript, but recent changes in Chrome's handling of JavaScript injection via AppleScript have made it less reliable.

I'm exploring alternatives like Selenium and Hammerspoon, but I'm not sure how to best use them.

Has anyone had experience with automating the configuration of Chrome extensions? Any insights, recommendations, or alternative tools would be greatly appreciated. Code examples or resources would also be helpful.

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