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No code mobile app? BravoStudio is the answer

BravoStudio is a zero code tool that allows you to obtain iOS and Android apps starting from a prototype.
I find it to be a great tool to get POC for your projects and to show to the customers a really working app.

Combining it together with other tools such as Figma and AirTable, you get an app that allows you to show not only the navigation between the various sections, but also to view and even send data to external services.

An example? Let's say we are drawing a mobile app interface with Figma, consisting of two screens:

  • one with a list of items, for example for a todo-list of operations to be divided among colleagues in the office

  • one with a form, for example to create a new item in the list

complete with keys and navigation between them.

Let's then create a table on AirTable that allows you to record the items in the list. Using AirTable to save data allows it to be easily displayed on a completely stand-alone web page, for example to display on a monitor hanging in a common room, quick to implement with typescript frameworks or alternatively with other zero code tools.

Well, BravoStudio fits in between Figma and AirTable: it feeds the Figma project, connects it to the specific AirTable apps and allows you to generate an application that can be installed on a mobile device, even publishable on the stores.

it is possible to obtain such a POC in a few hours of work.

This set of tools can be used for any project in reality but in my opinion the purpose and the target must be considered.

I definitely recommend it for a POC or an MVP or for projects where a temporary use of the solution is expected. I haven't had experience with more complex projects yet, where for now I prefer to have more control by writing all the code and being able to manage it as I prefer.

For more information:
Integration with Figma tutorial
Airtable basics for Bravo Studio

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