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Cover image for Spiner! a package/project manager. first look

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Spiner! a package/project manager. first look

hello everybody. I'm Elia. in this post (my first post btw).
i want to showcase and take a look at the first version of spiner (name comes from the fidget spinner) .

what is spiner?

spiner is a package/project manager that make interacting with different project even if they are in completely different language and environment easy by providing a shell, command-line interface, and you can also automate things by writing spiner custom shell script .SpinSH, it also allows you to customize the spiner when its in a particular directory using .spin files!.

why we should use spiner?

spiner gives you, ability to control project no matter the environment,
spiner can be used to work with projects cross platform too

Image description

current state of spiner

the current state of spiner is beta, yes its only in it 0.1.0 beta version on github .
you can go and download it from there and be one of the first people who actually used this.

for how long this project gonna continue?

to be honest i don't really know, maybe tomorrow maybe 30 years later.


we came to the end of this small post,
i really just created this post to inform everyone about this project, because i really want this project to take off and hopefully become a useful tool .

anyways, thank you for your time and reading!

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