We've officially completed our first week at Makers! One down, eleven to go. It's been as rewarding as it has been tiring, but I do get the feeling that we're still in the honeymoon phase.
Something that I did find I struggled with this week was my learning strategy. I found that, during the pair programming challenge in the afternoons, I would be having trouble using certain aspects of code that I previously thought I understood. This was the case with attr_reader, attr_writer, and attr_accessor. While I was aware of the theory behind these concepts (as I had acknowledged it as a gap in my knowledge and 'learnt' it the week before (and could explain its function to other people)), I had a difficult time with them when actually having to implement and use them within my code. This occurred on more than one occasion during the week, where I struggled using concepts in practice that I technically understood the theory behind.
To me, the solution in order to resolve this in future was fairly simple. My goal over the next few weeks is, when learning programming principles, to not only begin by reading through documentation and articles, but follow this up with practicals and exercises that include the area/s I'm struggling with. Makers have many online resources so hopefully I should be able to begin by finding help there, but if not, I can try googling or making up my own exercises.
Onwards and upwards!
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