What's this?
I'm sharing my experience and progress in working on one of my personal coding projects. This is one of my earlier ones that I started in junior year of college. It's still a WIP as I continue adding features and tweaking the design.
The project
The project is currently titled "my-albums-app". It's a webapp that displays the albums I've listened to in the past few years. I have a database that stores all of this information about albums and artists. I'm working on creating statistics pages for each year to see information about the music I listened to each year and see if I can find any patterns (for example, genres or artists that I listened to and if any new interests showed up).
Link to Code
Webapp that keeps track of all of the albums I've listened to each year.
Screenshot of the welcome page to my-albums-app (as of January 2020)
Development process
- January 2019 - March 2019: Originally this was a barebones Flask app connecting to a MySQL database. A few HTML pages. The beginnings of using APIs to display more data about albums.
- March 21, 2019: I started transitioning to an Angular frontend.
- April 4, 2019: App now fetches info about albums and artists from Spotify API (with Spotipy), LastFM API
- April 6, 2019: App now fetches social media info about artists from WikiData.
- May 20, 2019: Moved artist functions to separate module, changes to artist fetching with new MySQL database table.
- December 2019: We're back and readying for the new year (and decade)! I am currently working on stylistic changes and adding more to the artist pages, including links to listened albums pages for albums by that artist.
How I built it
This project has an Angular2 frontend with a Flask/Python backend. The database is MySQL. When I first started working on this project, I had recently completed a class project using this tech stack, so I based off of what I learned there. I also really first started using Github for code tracking with that class project.
Additional Thoughts
I'm not the best with frontend design. I think the functionality is there, but my app doesn't look the best. Ah well, still working on making it something I'm proud of! Further, I need to figure out to host the web app so others can look at my musical tastes!
Top comments (1)
Can you link the website?