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19 Tips For Software Engineers In 2019

Emma Bostian ✨ on December 23, 2018

It's almost 2019 and there are some amazing things coming down the pipeline in the world of programming. But for many new developers the prospect o...
molly profile image
Molly Struve (she/her) β€’ β€’ Edited

20. Give yourself time to work through this incredibly thoughtful list πŸ˜€

If you don't have a mentor, that's OK! If your resume or portfolio is light or even non existent, that's OK! (I've been at this for 6 years and still don't really have a portfolio) The fact that you are thinking about these things is a huge win! Given time and some hard work you can accomplish all of these!

phillipdodd profile image
Phillip Dodd β€’

Reading your comment was the exact kind of encouragement I needed today :)

tchinioti profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Tech4Jee β€’
ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’
  1. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable


stufflebeam profile image
Will Stufflebeam β€’

Such good advice! Thanks for putting this list together, Emma!

I think the mind tricks in here (dealing with imposter syndrome, getting involved with a new community, asking for help, etc.) are the toughest ones to master, but also the most valuable/rewarding to get a handle on. These are things that apply not only to software engineering and professional development, but also to any area of one's life where improvement and mastery is the goal.

In my experience, it doesn't matter if you're self-taught and new to the game, or decades into it with all the degrees and experience, those things can still be challenges you have to face on a regular basis. In fact, if you don't ever face those things, it might be that you're not pushing yourself hard enough.

Getting comfortable being uncomfortable is a great skill to build, as growth and learning tend to happen outside of one's comfort zone.

As soon as you start feeling like the expert and like you have all the answers, it's probably time to start working on mastering a new technology.

It's also good to remember that we're all new to it every time a new technology comes out or gets chosen for a project we're working on. As such, it's important to focus on oneself and doing the best job we can do with whatever we're currently working on, rather than comparing ourselves to others and measuring our success against others' skill sets and timelines.

Seriously, this is all great advice! πŸ‘ Thanks again for sharing it!

tchinioti profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
Tech4Jee β€’
emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨ β€’

Lol k.

overlordex3 profile image
Exequiel Beker β€’

Personally, I loved this one:

Just because something "failed" doesn't mean it wasn't valuable.

Thank you for sharing this! Thanks!
Merry christmas!

bolah2009 profile image
Buari Bola Ahmed β€’

Excellent and enlightening post... In my mind, you are my mentor...🀩

mobi9ja profile image
mobi9ja β€’

Salam Aleikum brother, from Nigeria

bolah2009 profile image
Buari Bola Ahmed β€’


ahmedabdelhak profile image
Ahmed Abdelhak β€’

thnx a lot Emma, i really appreciate your useful tips :)

jrohatiner profile image
Judith β€’

Beautiful post Emma, thank you. I'm a big advocate of #14. I think of work/life balance as if I am the sun and all the areas of my life are like planets in orbit around me. Family, health, hobbies, work, love - if one of those planets falls out of orbit it can mess up everything for all the other planets and the sun. I wish I could take credit for that analogy; but it was something a Guru told me 20 years ago. I'm glad it stuck!

phillipdodd profile image
Phillip Dodd β€’

As this is something I personally struggle with quite often, I find this analogy super helpful. Thanks for sharing it!

jrohatiner profile image
Judith β€’

So happy it is helpful! Namaste πŸ™

nayeonkim profile image
Nayeon Kim β€’
Focus on one thing at a time

Thanks for this reminder. It's so easy to get sidetracked when learning something new. I get FOMO when I'm in the middle of learning one framework/language/etc and then I come across an article about a shiny new something else. I feel like I HAVE to learn that new thing right away and get distracted with my current progress.

db325 profile image
db325 β€’

This is an awesome post! Very informative. Thank you so much. I'm at the point where I find most employers want you to have experience in this language or that framework. But they all do the same thing for the most part. So I go and watch some tutorial on the subject only for the next potential employer to want me to know something completely different...ugggghhhhπŸ€”

grahamlyons profile image
Graham Lyons β€’

Criticism is great - I welcome it - but it should be constructive otherwise it's just writing something rude.

There are enough online communities where people will respond with: "I don't like it", "this sucks", "this is cheesy", and it only serves to insult the original poster.

The article wasn't too your taste because it wasn't technical and you already know and practice everything in it. Wonderful. Why not contribute some of your experience in the comments instead, then go away and read a technical article somewhere else?

Thread Thread
biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ / β€’

What I noticed is that there is quite no criticism here on DEV.
I think that if we want to grow as a community and to be more valuable, we have to criticize more (in a constructive way) and to accept criticism.
This article is great and has got a lot of positive comments but the only negative criticism has been reported.

Thread Thread
grahamlyons profile image
Graham Lyons β€’

I totally agree that constructive criticism is much more valuable than blanket praise. I can't speak for the level of either on I've seen some articles generate good discussion, but perhaps your experience has been different.

I do agree with reporting Menil's comment though. It wasn't constructive and amounted to, "this wasn't the article I wanted to read". I found the tone of it insulting too - calling it "cheesy" and dismissing it as "common sense" - although I'm sure it wasn't meant that way.

If there's something to add - 'I don't agree with that, but how about this' - then great but otherwise it's in danger of descending into mud-slinging, which nobody wants.

From what I can see Menil looks to be a good Android developer and I'd really like to see them write a technical article on getting started with a simple Android app, because it's something I know nothing about.

_morgan_adams_ profile image
morgana β€’

I disagree. New grads in particular may struggle with lot of things on this list but come up with some crazy smart solutions to problems. In fact I know seasoned engineers that struggle with a good many of these items. These tips can help you take your engineering ability and career to new levels, but they are not the components that make up an engineer.

phillipdodd profile image
Phillip Dodd β€’

Great article, thanks for sharing it! I found this to be very helpful.

I was wondering if you had any further tips regarding #4? Particularly: I have a bad habit of, once I learn something, I just assume it as 'common knowledge that everyone knows'.

So, when I try to think of ideas for things I could potentially write a blog post or something about, I often decide against most of my ideas for the reason of "people would already know about this / not want to read about it." Lately at work, though, I'm finding this to not be the case and that I sometimes do my co-workers a disservice by not sharing certain information because of this.

emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨ β€’

Everyone learns in different ways and all content you produce, whether completely unique, will be valuable :)

phillipdodd profile image
Phillip Dodd β€’

What a great way of looking at it -- thanks!

ruchinmunjal profile image
ruchinmunjal β€’

Agree with everything except one little problem.. "you can make it look nice later".. While I understand what you are saying but most new people somehow interpret it very wrongly. My team has two relatively junior devs and before I joined them they were busy focused on server side code. They assumed having a reference to bootstrap in site some how magically will fix all the bad ui decisions they were taking. Its not that simple. You can make it look nice provided you followed basic principles of the technology /framework. For e.g instead of using the grid layout they were still styling the forms with table tags.

Also, probably obvious but please read the documentation of the tool/framework you choose. It really helps everybody.

jennynnguyen114 profile image
Jenny Nguyen β€’

You're right. The new people in your team really did interpret "you can make it look nice later" wrong. They should've used div tags and style it up with CSS later to make it look nice.

I hope someone in your team failed them on the client-side code they were making so they could fix it up; they probably didn't know using table tags for forms is bad UI. That's a learning moment for them as junior developers.

grahamlyons profile image
Graham Lyons β€’

Thanks for this, Menil. I really like your additions.

I'm really thankful to you both for engaging in a very reasonable way - it doesn't always happen that way online!

my comment was downvoted so fast, and honestly, that scared me

Challenging something negative is better, of course, but the down vote is a quick option to mark something that's unconstructive. I'm sure the community will get better at this as time goes on.

I'm very glad that you've illustrated number 1 from Emma's article and given some nice additions. Looking forward to your first article on Android development, Menil!

thobyv profile image
Thoby V ijishakin β€’

Awesome post! Truly these are the best tips.

firebase007 profile image
Alexander Nnakwue β€’

Lovely read I must say!!! Really inspiring πŸ’―πŸ’―

faraniarijaona profile image
faraniarijaona β€’

Thanks Emma, new motivation for 2019 :)

willywins79 profile image
Will Jordan β€’ β€’ Edited

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bettygar profile image
BettyGAr β€’

Thanks for your advice! I think they will help me a lot now. I recently worked on the Fieldwork software. I helped the programmer create the code. I am just learning theory and starting to practice, but I know that this is a good start for me.

ddpepperlove profile image
Adam Wood β€’

Tips for every job, ever.

mvolgyi profile image
Mat β€’

Thank you very much for your motivational post!


dinkydani21 profile image
Danielle β€’
  1. Focus on one thing at a time

This I struggle with all the time!

  1. Maintain a good work/life balance

I plan to work on this in 2019 otherwise I am going to burnout taking on client work and too many side projects!

naveenpop profile image
naveenp β€’

I just love it :) Thanks for the wonderful post. Wish you a great 2019 ahead

lauragift21 profile image
Gift Egwuenu β€’

You nailed it! Every point on this post is extremely important.

jacobor83661854 profile image
Jacob Oram β€’

I am happy to read your beautiful post. I will share my ideas here that if we will discuss here our views and ideas, we can improve our writing and reading skills by sharing our ideas. Get help from if you want to get distinctive positions.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao β€’

9: Be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Awesome post, I like this one. This is something that took me awhile to learn. Whenever I need to use a piece of new technology for my work on a daily basis in a startup.

alibas13 profile image
Ali Bas β€’

Hi Emma,

Thank you for sharing this so good advices.
Currently I'm following your 9th advices: Don't be afraid to ask questions :)

I want to start my own open source project and push it on Github and as you suggested there is "Coding Coach".
I want to learn from some great developers so I decided to register on this site, giving my point of interest I can see there are a lot of mentors on this site but how ask them advice/help directly with her post (twitter, email, linkedin,)
how did it works must I become first a "Patreon" and give first a donation ?

Could you help me ? Have you another suggestion ?
Thank you

j0nimost profile image
John Nyingi β€’

Always a fan of @Emma

khom168 profile image
khom sovon β€’

Thank for sharing

nguyenquangtin profile image
Tony Tin Nguyen β€’

Thank you for your excellent post...

matanyo profile image
Matanyo β€’

I loved it!! thank you

ahmadalsaggaf profile image
Ahmed Alsaqaf β€’

Thank you, Emma, for these helpful tips. I can't wait to read your next post.

therabidmango profile image
Joseph Abreu β€’

This is a great list to kick off 2019 with!

ryanjames profile image
Ryan James β€’

As a software engineer, staying organized, continually learning, and collaborating effectively are key. Tools like Juicer Hunter can also aid in productivity, offering insights into emerging markets and strategic growth opportunities. Additionally, explore essential culinary skills, such as how to cut onions in squares for skewers, to balance work-life interests and enhance creativity

biros profile image
Boris Jamot ✊ / β€’

Do you know why your comment has been downvoted?
IMO it's constructive. Writing negative comments doesn't mean you're not constructive.
Does it mean that DEV community only accepts positive comments?

k_penguin_sato profile image
K-Sato β€’
  1. Get involved in the community

This is something I should have done from the beginning.

emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨ β€’

Sameeee.. took me 4 years

kobi_ca profile image
Kobi β€’


rokkoo profile image
Alfonso β€’

Thank for this advice Emma, this will help me improve my self as a programmer.

mobi9ja profile image
mobi9ja β€’

Very Mind open Post

reviewstimes01 profile image
The Reviews Times β€’

Our proven process ensures you are kept informed throughout the construction project. We offer home remodeling services Chicago, IL, that aim to exceed expectations by meeting deadlines and budget requirements.

iakashpatel profile image
Akash P. β€’

great post, Emma thank you for sharing such great content.

One more thing I would like to add:

never give up and stress out with something need to be done.

keinchy profile image
Frederick Jaime β€’

great advice, IMHO #14 is the toughest.

top1st profile image
top1st β€’

Good artist. Don't get discouraged!
Really Good.

tamouse profile image
Tamara Temple β€’

Let me add to the cacophony of people praising this post! Well done, Emma, thank you. Sharing this everywhere today that I can think of.

tmohammad78 profile image
mohammad taheri β€’

Finding mentor is really hard , and I think very few senior developer accept to give you time

lucasm profile image
Lucas Menezes β€’

Thank you Emma!

vunboyao profile image
VunboYao β€’

Thank you very much! I suffer with impostor syndrome now! I decide to learn the basic technology. Let me fell free.

akintunde profile image
Akintunde ismail β€’

great and helpful

dirkncl profile image
Dirk Levinus Nicolaas β€’

I agree with you.

moideenluqman profile image

Thanks for your advice, It's a really good initiate for me

jumpalottahigh profile image
Georgi Yanev β€’

Great tips! I like how many of those apply universally to anything in life really. Thanks for writing those up!

pflash profile image
Precious adeyinka β€’

wooow thanks alot...