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Reading Data From A JSON File With Gatsby + GraphQL

Emma Bostian ✨ on February 08, 2019

Goal: Use gatsby-transformer-json to read data from a local JSON file and dynamically generate list items in a React component. Use Case: I have a...
walaszczyk_m profile image
Maciej Walaszczyk

Great post, Emma 👌

I have found a mistake with explaining empty brackets in JSX. You are putting:

  <h1>Hello world</h1>
  <p>Another child component</p>

as the same as

  <h1>Hello World</h1>
  <p>Another child component</p>

which is not true.

The true equivalent is

  <h1>Hello World</h1>
  <p>Another child component</p>
nateosterfeld profile image
Nate Osterfeld

I was unsure of this in the regard of whether or not it compiled to a div tag at runtime, in which case I'd say your comment would be a little nitpicky, since she probably knows this and assumes it's easier to say it's a div than having to explain Fragment, but it actually doesn't get compiled to anything. Essentially the same thing, though, sorta. Okay mini rant over.

raymondcamden profile image
Raymond Camden

Query - I love GraphQL (recent convert!) but I'm curious why it was used here? Given that the JSON data was static, not an API, and was already in a simple to use format, what was the purpose of using GraphQL to "query" it? Wasn't it already in a form appropriate for driving your dynamic navigation?

lucis profile image

Read about Gatsby. It's built for reusability (themes) and GraphQL powers that. If she would release her creation as a theme, a user could build their own json in their own data folder, and Gatsby would resolve it.

vaidotas profile image
Vaidotas Piekus

This is awesome Emma. I want to rewrite my personal site using Gatsby and this is gonna be super helpful!

emmabostian profile image
Emma Bostian ✨

Aw yay! <3

ianfabs profile image
Ian Fabs

this was actually so helpful, thank you!! i was looking for a way do this all day!

stevexm profile image
Steve Melnikoff

Thank you, a very useful post that helped me better understand how to work with GraphQL!

krichdev profile image
Kyle Richardson

Have you tried filtering on your query with this transformer plugin? I am trying to filter by a value and I’m not having any luck.

zeptobook profile image

Here is a step by step guide about how to create your blog site using Gatsby.

tomekponiat profile image
Tomek Poniatowicz

Hey Emma, if you need a GraphQL schema visualization tool take a look at

luispa profile image

Great post!