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To Semicolon, Or Not To Semicolon;

"To Semicolon, Or Not To Semicolon" - Shakespeare or something

The debate springs up and dies down every once in a while. I remember my first time learning that semicolons weren't required in JS. I was baffled.

I had spent my entire JS career (figuratively - I hadn't gotten a JS job yet) up until that point believing that semi-colons were vital to JS code working correctly. I then had to ask "so why do we do it?"

Why did everyone I knew and every example I saw use semicolons? If they weren't necessary, why use them at all?

Let's first discuss ASI - the system that allows us to ignore them in the first place.

Automatic Semicolon Insertion (ASI)

Automatic Semicolon Insertion, often abbreviated as ASI, is the process by which the parser inserts semicolons for us. It makes our use of semicolons "optional", but it does it mainly based on 3 rules (taken from Dr. Axel Rauschmayer's Speaking JS):

  1. By a new line when the next line starts with an "illegal token"
  2. By a closing brace
  3. At the end of the file

 #1 will be the more important one here.

It should be noted that it's not literally adding a semicolon. It just makes the engine function as if it did. ASI lets the engine know when a statement/line has "ended".

The following code would function properly since ASI adds in the semicolons we needed.

let myVar = 3
console.log(myVar) // > 4
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ASI sees a newline after 3 and knows that let myVar = 3 myVar++ is illegal, so it places a semicolon in between them. By the next newline, it knows that myVar++ console.log(myVar) is illegal as well and places a semicolon.

We see that ASI is not just checking for new lines, it's checking if there's a new line and the next token would be "illegal" if there was no semicolon between them. What if it wasn't illegal if there was no semicolon between them?

let myVar = 1 +
console.log(myVar) // > 4
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ASI sees there is a newline, so it checks if let myVar = 1 + 3 is illegal. It isn't, so it doesn't add a semicolon. Therefore this code works perfectly.

You might have also seen some other code unaffected by ASI - method chaining.

const newArr = oldArr
                 .split(' ')
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One might think that the newlines would make it so that ASI would add semicolons, thus break our chaining up, but it does not.

ASI checks for illegal tokens and sees that it is completely valid if there was no semicolon. It thus leaves it alone. Some of you might be questioning whether [2, 4, 2]  .map(x => x * 2) (with all those spaces) is actually valid. It is! We can keep those spaces and it'll function just fine.

Now that we have learned how it works, let's discuss cases where we think it would work one way, but it actually messes us up.

ASI - Unexpected Lack of Insertion

There are cases where ASI won't add semicolons because the subsequent token isn't illegal.

console.log(4) // > 4
['foo', 'bar'].forEach(el => console.log(el)) // > Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'bar' of undefined
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We might think that this code would log 4 and then log 'foo' and 'bar', but instead we're getting an error. This is because ASI sees console.log(4)['foo', 'bar'] as completely valid.

ASI believes we're calling a function that returns an object and we're then trying to get this object's bar property. 'foo', 'bar' converts to just bar due to the Comma Operator (cool, I know).

In this case, ASI really doesn't know that we didn't want that syntax. We'd have to add in a semicolon or not write array literals at the start of a new line in our code.

The JS spec also gives an example with parentheses that results in a similar effect. It wasn't valid JS (funny enough), so here is a more "practical" example.

let s1 = "Hello "
let s2 = "World"
let myStr = s1 + s2
(s1 + s2).split('').forEach(char => console.log(char))
// Uncaught TypeError: s2 is not a function
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We want myStr to equal "Hello World" and then to log every character of "Hello World" using a forEach loop. Instead, we get an error telling us that s2 isn't a function.

Similar to the last example, ASI is checking if s1(s1 + s2) is valid syntax. Since it is valid syntax (as if we're calling a function called s1), no semicolon is added.

ASI sometimes will add in semicolons which hurt us as well.

ASI - Unexpected Insertion

Some programmers prefer Allman brace style and carry over this preference to other languages. This means that every brace gets its own line. This works fine (but is generally avoided by JS programmers) until you encounter a case of ASI.

// Allman brace style
function myFunc(val) 
    value: val

console.log(myFunc(4)) // > undefined
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While the function itself recognizes the braces as the function body, the object is not returned, because ASI places a semicolon after return. It should also be noted that there is no object in that function.

Yup. What else can this be aside from an object? A block with a label.

We can make blocks in JS by surrounding some statements with { }. We can also make labels in JS using foo:bar where foo represents any string (without quotes) and bar represents any expression or statement.

Labels are generally avoided and expression labels are almost wholly useless, but the engine doesn't care. We wrote useless code, but no one was hurt, so it lets it slide.

How does the engine differentiate between blocks and objects? If an opening brace is at the start of the line or after a statement requiring a block, it's a block. That's it.

What that means, is even if we make the block look like an object, it is still treated like a block.

function myFunc(val) {
    value: val,
    name: 'Greg',

// > Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
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labels cannot have a comma after them. This is most certainly therefore not a label. JS sees a block and then sees this weird quasi-label syntax. It throws an error, telling us our block has semicolons.

However this was a fun aside, but it still doesn't fully explain the behavior of ASI in this instance due to the following behavior:

function myFunc1(val) {
    value: val,
    name: 'Greg',
console.log(myFunc1(4)) // > undefined

function myFunc2(val) {
console.log(myFunc2()) // > undefined
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We see that return is ignoring rule #1. Even though it'd be valid on the same line, a semicolon is added and we're returning undefined.

This is due to a special rule regarding something called "restricted productions" by the spec. You can read about it here, but it is essentially an exception to the rule.

Other notable "restricted productions" include continue, break, and throw. If those are on their own line, regardless of what comes next, there is a semicolon added.

To Semicolon?

After seeing how weird ASI can be, should we start adding semicolons?
Well the only situations where ASI doesn't add semicolons (and it harms us) seems to be where we use parentheses and brackets at the start of a line.

There are some other small offenders, but in general, you won't be writing expressions in your code on their own line. They're utterly useless and lend themselves to bad programming habits. You won't find a dangling 4 or (13 + 4) on its own line as it doesn't do anything and helps no one.

The practical times where they do matter, such as with IIFE's and array destructuring statements, are often caught with a linter.

If you ever need to start a line with parens or brackets, consider using a ; right before it, as so many have adopted. Although, there is rarely a case where this would become a necessity.

The only case where ASI really seems to harm us is when it adds semicolons where it otherwise shouldn't, such as when "restricted productions" are followed up by an expression.

At that point, it doesn't matter whether you regularly add semicolons or not - ASI is still creating problems.

The solution most tend to go for is to use a linter which catches these subtle mistakes. Many linters will force semicolons by default, but you can disable this. Linters will also notify you of unreachable code. If you return early and have code after, the linter will let you know to remove or update it.


If you're aware of the pitfalls and practice good programming habits, there doesn't seem to be a very strong case for using semicolons. It's at the point that some style guides even avoid them (VueJS doesn't include them by default as well).

Dan Abramov does make a good case for keeping semicolons, but the pros seem to outweigh the cons in my experience. If you have ever had to enclose an expression in parens where the line ended with a semicolon, you may know what I mean.

You either click precisely right before the semicolon or delete it and then add it back. Without using semicolons, you could have just clicked somewhere at the end of the line and added a closing paren. It's small, but it adds to the amount of work in performing an extremely simple operation.

As for me? I surprisingly do use semicolons. Despite the occasional frustration, I like how it looks; it feels cleaner. I strongly believe it to still be a stylistic preference at the end of the day.

What do you think?

Top comments (14)

emnudge profile image

No? I could have sworn that's how Hamlet went.
To be fair, this is an overdone title. Second time I've used that format already. Had an article on my personal blog with a similar pattern (but a bit more clever): To Be or To Ben't

axelledrouge profile image

Interesting. I knew that I could not use semicolons, but I learn more about ASI. But I think of them more like the point at the end of a sentence.Like you said, it's more a stylistic preference. It's a good way to organize my code, and organize my thoughts.

stereobooster profile image

I use prettier and don't worry about formatting.

emnudge profile image

I use prettier too, but only for personal projects. It gets messy when working with teams where some people don't use it and abide by their own style guides.
Using prettier in those cases can lead to messy looking commit logs, making it hard to decipher what was actually changed.

stereobooster profile image
stereobooster • Edited

Use pre commit hook for prettier. Code standard should be a team decision. My team uses prettier. We have two projects one with semicolons one without, but both use prettier. I can't care less about semicolons, I type any code I want and it gets formatted on save in VSCode

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aurelio profile image

Code standard should be a team decision.

Exactly, and if the decision is that Prettier is part of the tooling, then everyone touching the code needs to have it. In my team we make sure that every dev's IDE is configured to format on save.

If you have a pre-existing project and you don't want to get distracted by formatting changes on the diffs you can run prettier and then commit a mega-fix. From there on, no more distractions for formatting changes.

I'll be honest, I thought that Prettier was a nice-to-have for a long time, but now I can't imagine working on a project where it's not part of the tools.

charlesj3 profile image
Charles Jones

I usually treat semi-colons in JS like space/tab indentation; I have my preferences, but if the team wants to do it one way, I'll adjust without trying to change the entire team's preference to my own.

intricatecloud profile image
Danny Perez

I enforce semicolons via eslint. If I don't, then I find myself writing some lines with and some lines without which has made it more distracting for coworkers (Are you using it or not?!)

I did not know about ASI so this was very helpful. On larger teams, the rule has been - doesn't matter as long as we're consistent.

emnudge profile image

Consistency among any styling choice is always going to be the most important decision!
Styling choices are irrelevant unless they're consistent.

I find myself preferring automatic formatters like Prettier over linters to avoid all the headache. When using auto-formatters, one should always make sure everyone else is using the same thing or else git commit logs will be obscured by a ton of semicolon insertions and whitespace, making it hard to read exactly what changed.

ahkohd profile image
Victor Aremu

Nice article. I use semicolons always even though its optional. Some linters won't even let you code in peace without the use or semicolons.

kachkaev profile image
Alexander Kachkaev • Edited

Turns out you can dim or hide javascript/typescript semicolons in VScode. I don’t recommend this in general, but this might be a solution for teams with mixed opinions about relying on ASI (automatic semicolon insertion).

jzombie profile image

In my opinion, not using semicolons is like not closing HTML tags. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should.

jzombie profile image

I no longer hold this opinion. Whatever the linter is configured to, I'll run w/ it. So long as there is consistency throughout the entire project.

awwsmm profile image
Andrew (he/him)

Wow, JavaScript sounds terrible.