DEV Community

Alek Westover for enchantedForest

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Today we did some more work on the enchanted forest

Pretty much are just setting up the database stuff.

So we made a little login / create account page,
and it sends a post request to python
hashes your password checks if there are users with the same username, etc etc.

And eventually you get redirected to the game site with all your user data

Then our idea is, in the game there will be these things called checkpoints.

They are physical locations that you can go to

And save your game state.

So yeah, there you go.

When working with a new library I find it's really helpful to use ipdb, for me its a nice complement to reading the docs, cuz I can play around with the objects and get a feel for them.

Unfortunately I had some problems with ipdb, like cancelling stuff after it got a bunch of requests. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ . not really sure what that was about @kaisucode 's server

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