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Enrique Aguilar Martinez
Enrique Aguilar Martinez

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Education project for young people without professional future prospects in Mexico. (And Latin America)

Dear, I share with you a fragment of an education project that I am developing to form an educational platform, I have been developing it for approximately 15 months.
I hope it is useful for those who are looking for innovative tools removed from AI and ML.
In Mexico there are more than 62 million young people between 13 and 29 years old, of which 48 do not have resources and of those 48 million, 20 are in extreme poverty, mainly in the states of Guerrero, Chiapas, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Puebla. It is observed that despite this precariousness, those 48 million 43 are connected in some way to social networks. Therefore, this project is focused on the area of opportunity that this situation generates for these young people, focusing on generating a better quality of life and creating better expectations for the future. Importance of the use of Artificial Intelligence applied in educational development at a higher level. In this area, AWS supports educational projects for young people in several ways, and one of these is providing access to the technology and infrastructure they need to learn and create. AWS offers a wide range of services that can be used by educators and students, including computing, storage, databases, analytics, and machine learning services.

Project for education through the artificial intelligence approach and services (In General) of AWS in Mexico.
Today technologies have changed drastically, the Internet of Things (Lot) has taken a huge leap by being directly linked to artificial intelligence. The dream of making a fully converged network is here, it is no longer a thing of the future, it has passed us by. Until a few years ago, only some technology companies were a reference among the most powerful, only AWS, Microsoft and Apple were the references, but starting in 2016 the growth of technology companies began, which today (2023) occupy 8 of the 10 The richest are technological, so of these 8 all use data as the main source of business and these 8 use artificial intelligence as a service to their clients.
Of these 8 companies, there is one exception, which is Google (Alphabet), which in less than 6 years grew like foam and to date the United States Antitrust Committee wants to dissolve it, and on the opposite side we have a technology company that does not It is and should be among this, but not because of a mistake, Cisco. Cisco Systems is in the 48th place of the richest, but it is not among the ten, why? Easy and simple, he entered the cloud business late, even though he owns the technology and the development of his cloud on Oracle cloud was very slow.
But the cloud leads the technological crusade, not only is it that factor, the main one is nanotechnology (microprocessors) from which this great advance is provided with which these companies deploy this economic power.

Data as Wealth.
If we take the example of Google, which had less experience than Cisco, how did they succeed? Well, in 2012 they glimpsed the power of data linked to artificial intelligence (Tensor Flow), which allowed them to compete with the giants Amazon and Microsoft, without leaving aside the giant IBM. Why do I mention this, about technology and what it has to do with education. 5 years ago there was a Starlink plan to take satellites into space in a low orbit to bring broadband internet to the entire planet (space internet) with this it can dominate communications and therefore data. They recently launched 60 satellites as a test, these satellites were manufactured in France, and were manufactured with a technique that allows them to be manufactured in a short time (a satellite takes up to two years to design and assemble) but there is a small problem, it is expensive to transport them to the French Guyana in America or Florida United States.
Therefore, a plan was made with a subsidiary company of Airbus (Deimos), this Spanish company made a proposal to make them in Mexico, specifically in Yucatán, with an investment offer of 130 million dollars, and which will employ 200 aerospace engineers. This was in September 2019, which is why UNAM created aerospace engineering in February 2020.
That is the reason why artificial intelligence linked to data in higher education is mentioned. Why? Artificial Intelligence-Data, why? If UNAM is going to generate this opportunity for these students to insert them into the work life of this company that is going to take advantage of the proximity of Mexico to Florida and thus lower the cost price of satellites and their manufacturing and launch, then UNADM has a unique opportunity to insert your telematics engineers not in the aerospace industry, no, not in the area of network communications (Cisco), no, it is in the most powerful sector, that of the richest industries in the world, those of the cloud.
Let's look at the example of China.
They build a university a week, with specialties focused on artificial intelligence, their need to be a leader in this field is because they glimpsed the importance of data linked to artificial intelligence. In less than 5 years they managed to put 2 technology companies among the 10 richest in the world (Alibaba and Tencent), surprising truth, more surprising is that it is not Japan, nor Germany, nor England, it is China.
Through their artificial intelligence development plan they have advanced in this area, they have access to one of the best institutes in Asia "The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology" there the most complex mathematics (Discrete mathematics) is developed with which they They allow us to compete with those of the West. Thus there are three Universities that are fundamental for the development of technologies, 2 of these are directly linked to the development of conglomerate companies such as KAIS in South Korea (which is where the microprocessor for Apple was developed) KAIS is the best mathematics school in Asia, not counting Yonsei University, which is why it is the only country that rivals China in the field of 5G.
But returning to South Korea, it is the same example of UNAM with the satellite company, the same.
China, on the other hand, does not intend to supply foreign companies with microchips and specialized labor, they do not intend to be the company, that is why there is an urgency to take over Taiwan because there is the third best university in Asia, that is where they would have access to technology. of microprocessors and semiconductors because those from Taiwan are the best manufactured in the world (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited TSMC) this company is located in Silicon Valley, and its alma mater is the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.
China changed its visas through competitive change to be able to bring in people specialized in artificial intelligence, because all this is mentioned about China; The fact is that in its nuances only they are capable of competing with the United States in that area, all mobile devices are called Smartphones, tablets, laptops, all these devices are data carriers and most use Android, yes Android, that's why the sanctions on Huawei since it used North American technology.

It wasn't the manufacturing of the brand, it was access to data, and not military, science, technological data, it was people's data, that's where it hits. Every human being who carries a device is rich in data, every mobile device, for the most part, I repeat, mostly has Android, which is why Alphabet, being the owner of Android and Google, is a danger for the State Department, since it was seen that the importance today is data. That is why the urgency of bringing the internet to space, of putting in place the 5G superhighway, everything is because of the data, the data manipulated by artificial intelligence, whether it is called Siri, Alexa, or Watson, is the present, which our country is lagging behind.
What is mentioned above is the preamble to understand the importance of the artificial intelligence career in universities, as well as Data Science that most only take as graduates, or data engineering. Universities have rested on their laurels and have not been able to glimpse the true importance of these careers at an engineering level that practically integrates the cloud, since this is the only one with the capacity to deploy its true power with these careers.
A career that can practically help encompass part of this cloud environment is telematics. It was said before that it was the career of the future, it was said that there was no scope for development and that it was difficult to find a job related to the career. Today it is the best career in our country, because this is mentioned, so to speak, some subjects are fundamental in the field of data, differential calculus and integral calculus, the queen of logical mathematics is discrete mathematics, that is more than fundamental in data analysis, physics, which takes the transforms which are fundamental in neural networks as well as in communication in digital systems, without forgetting statistics where you see probabilities, not without forgetting that each of The subjects are important, just mention a few to say the area in which artificial intelligence is developed.
The case of China is mentioned so to speak to see the example of what is happening today, one imagines that Carlos Slim had realized what was coming, today he would still be the richest man in the world, he had the technological advantages, He manages the internet platform in our country, but what happened to Cisco happened to him, they were surpassed, today, being the richest man for years, he is in 16th place, he is still rich but he could be in the first places if I would have glimpsed the data.
Asia is the continent that graduates the most engineers in the world, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan until recently were the ones that had the most engineering graduates, around 80 thousand per year against the 60 thousand that the United States graduated, today they have been surpassed For China, China currently graduates the most engineers. There are two cases that have to be mentioned, China and India, while in China the government invests millions of dollars in mainly technological education projects, in India it does not, in India those who invest in their education are the citizens, the government cannot have the luxury of investing in education like China because it has a surplus of poverty, personally I am impressed by the achievements of the citizens of India, not their government, they have a philosophy of improvement at any cost.
Whatever it may be, when they achieved their first nuclear bomb they did it thinking about this "even if we eat leaves we will get the bomb" and that's how they ate leaves, poverty levels in India are high, that does not prevent the majority of their students from being self-taught, and focus on technologies, mainly on artificial intelligence, they make efforts to complete engineering, technology specialization courses and the results are surprising, the best CEOs of Google are from India, from Amazon, they are from India , most of the analytics teachers in Hong Kong, the United States, England, are from India, soon in Mexico due to the lack of graduated engineers we will have specialized engineers from India.
But that can change, the idea is there, perhaps my project will be called crazy, but the idea is there and at any moment out of necessity the country will have to take it. And we can give examples of several countries like Brazil with its learn thorn, Costa Rica with its Cisco scholarships, countless examples, but the best example is this: Alexander Graham Bell, this man invented the telephone, one day he went to talk to The president of the United States Grover Cleveland, to whom he proposed the idea of connecting the entire United States through telephone lines, told him “I'll do everything, only that there is a small inconvenience” from today onwards all women in the United States They will have to work... as telephone operators (first empowerment of women, as a key to job success).
That was a revolution, a true revolution, and that's how the majority of women worked as telephone operators. Until 1950, telephone switchboards were famous... today the telephone operators are data analysts, that is the new revolution. We can say that the idea is to provide technological education in response to the high demand of companies in terms of data engineering, this is how companies like Facebook (Meta), Microsoft, AWS in recent years have requested people with skills, based on intelligence. artificial for applications that generate data and their processing
How to implement the plan?
AWS offers programs and resources that can help educators and students learn how to use technology for learning. These programs include:
AWS Educate – A free program that gives students access to AWS services and educational resources.
AWS Academy: A program that offers universities courses and resources to teach students about the cloud. AWS is committed to helping young people learn and create with technology. Through its services, programs and partnerships, AWS is helping prepare the next generation for success in the digital economy, based on high-quality, competitive, and affordable distance education, as sponsors can even incorporate scholarships for low-income students. Infrastructure of the proposed platform for teaching.
AWS Skill Builder is a free online learning program that offers courses, labs, challenges, and other resources to help people learn about AWS services. The program is designed for people of all experience levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.
These resources applied to young people include:
• Courses: AWS Skill Builder courses provide an introduction to AWS basics and specific services.
• Labs: AWS Skill Builder labs allow people to practice what they have learned in courses.
• Challenges: AWS Skill Builder challenges allow people to test their skills.
• Other Resources: AWS Skill Builder also offers a variety of other resources, such as articles, videos, and podcasts.
AWS Skill Builder is a very valuable tool for anyone who wants to learn about AWS. The program is free and available to everyone.
In short, AWS can provide educational support to these young people so that they find a professional and life path.

Author: Engineer Enrique Aguilar Martínez. AWS Community Builders, AWS ReStart Instructor, Bootcamp institute.

Links from which the information about this project is supported:,mediante%20la%20electricidad%3A%20el%20tel%C3%A9fono.

Top comments (1)

bekbrace profile image
Bek Brace

Great thoughts, and well-written article !