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sequence of parameters with bind()

I try to put some html element object in a class und
write addEventListener which should work for all instances.

I found a solution, but I don´t understand it.

class ValueSlider extends HTMLDivElement {
    constructor() {
        .  .  .
        this.startDrag = function(el, evt) {
            let thisNow = this; // class object
            let element = el; // mySvg object
            let event = evt; // event object
            .  .  .

        this.evHandler = this.startDrag.bind(this, this.mySvg);

        this.mySvg.addEventListener("mousedown", this.evHandler );
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Why the function receives the event object as last parameter ?

Thank you for discussion

Top comments (3)

codecupdev profile image

Is it possible to see the rest of the code for the this.startDrag? When you use addEventListener you can pass in three parameters:

  • The event type
  • The listener
  • Other options The listener is the code you want to run when the event happens - remember that functions are objects in JavaScript.

As I read your code currently you could also implement it like this-

this.mySvg.addEventListener('mousedown', this.startDrag.bind(this));

Without seeing what startdrag is doing completely and what behaviour you want to achieve on the event, it is a bit hard to clarify any further.

erhie profile image

a more complete example:

<script type="text/javascript">
/* in html:
<div is="value-slider"</div>

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(contentLoaded) {
    customElements.define('value-slider', ValueSlider, { extends: 'div' });
.  .  .
class ValueSlider extends HTMLDivElement {
    .  .  .
    constructor() {
        const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
        this.sliderDiv = document.createElement('div');
        this.slThumb = document.createElement('div');
        .  .  .
        this.startDragHandler =  this.startDrag.bind(this, this.sliderDiv);
        this.slThumb.addEventListener("mousedown", this.startDragHandler );

    startDrag( divOuter, evt) {
        // why is the evt object the second parameter ?["background-color"] = "GREY";

        this.startPosY = evt.clientY;
        this.slThumb.addEventListener('mousemove', this.dragEventHandler);
        this.slThumb.addEventListener("mouseup", this.endDragEventHandler );
        this.slThumb.addEventListener("mouseleave",  this.endDragEventHandler);
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codecupdev profile image

Thanks - When you are working with a function from an event handler it is not uncommon to see a parameter called event. Sometimes this is called e or in your case evt. It represents the event object. It is passed automatically and provides you with extra details/functionality. It is not to do with bind but more from the event handler itself. You can find more details here

Does this help?