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Cover image for Building Trust The Importance of Past Performance in Government Sales
Eric Dequevedo
Eric Dequevedo

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Building Trust The Importance of Past Performance in Government Sales

Why Past Performance Matters 🎖️🏛️

When it comes to government contracts, agencies want assurance. They seek vendors with a proven track record of delivering quality products or services on time and within budget.

Benefits of a Strong Track Record

💥 A stellar past performance can be your business's strongest asset:

  • 🔥 Increased Credibility: Agencies perceive you as a reliable vendor.
  • 🌍 Competitive Edge: In competitive bids, a strong track record can tip the scales in your favor.
  • 💻 Referrals: Satisfied agencies can recommend you to other departments or units.

Building and Leveraging Your Track Record

🛡️ Here's how you can establish and use your past performance:

  • 🔄 Document Everything: Maintain comprehensive records of all contracts, deliverables, and feedback.
  • 🔒 Seek Feedback: Proactively request performance evaluations from agency contacts after contract completion.
  • 🕵️ Showcase Your Successes: Use your track record as a key selling point in your proposals and pitches.


💻 In government sales, your reputation precedes you. A robust past performance not only builds trust but can also be a deciding factor in contract awards. Invest in building and maintaining a stellar track record, and let your work speak for itself. 🎖️🏛️

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