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Eric Plotts
Eric Plotts

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SEO and Web Development Work Together

SEO and web development go hand-in-hand like childhood best friends on their way to the playground. When it comes to on-site SEO, being that your website is the foundation, this is the most crucial step and in 2024 much of the on-site optimizations require website development experience.

Why Web Development and SEO Should Be Friends

Have you ever wondered why some websites perform so well in search rankings while others seem to disappear into the abyss of the internet? If you're thinking about creating or redesigning a website, understanding the relationship between web development and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can make all the difference in how visible and successful your site becomes.

Many people approach these two areas as separate entities—web developers focus on building a functional and visually appealing site, while SEO experts work on improving its ranking. But in actuality, these two sperate worlds must work hand-in-hand to achieve the best results!

In this article, we'll dive into the crucial ways web development and SEO complement each other. By the end, you’ll understand why both should be part of your web design strategy, and more importantly, how to make them work together seamlessly.

Web Development: The Foundation of a Strong Website

Before diving into how SEO fits in, let's first look at web development. In simple terms, web development is the process of creating and maintaining websites. It involves various aspects, from coding and server management to user interface design. A well-built website provides a smooth user experience (UX), loads quickly, and is mobile-responsive. Sounds simple enough, right?

But here’s the catch: not all well-built websites are SEO-friendly. I see it time and time again where some business who just got their website re-designed tanked in rankings. It's ALWAYS the developers fault.

Developers fail at a number of things as it pertains to SEO. Styling with headings instead of CSS when necessary, having a crazy-looking heading structure (e.g., H4, H1, H3, H3, H2), broken taxonomies that lead to 404s and broken links, redirecting everything to the home page and so on.

You could have the best-looking site out there, but search engines like Google need to crawl, understand your content and connect the dots with proper on-site optimization. You’re missing out on a massive opportunity if you're not dialing your SEO in for better crawl-ability.

Let’s break down how web development affects SEO and why it’s essential to consider SEO during the development stage.

How Web Development Affects SEO

SEO Search Engine Optimization

Web development decisions can have a significant impact on your site's SEO, sometimes in ways you might not expect. Here are some key areas where the two worlds intersect:

Site Speed and Performance

How long does it take for your site to load? If it’s more than a couple of seconds, your visitors—and search engines—aren’t happy. Site speed isn't a ranking factor per se, but it’s crucial that your website is optimized for performance because the way users interact with your site is a ranking factor.

You can check to see if your site is loading fast from you web sites visitors' perspective by testing your URLs' Core Web Vitals. You can see exactly what's causing slow load times on your website and as a developer should be able to assess and correct the issues fairly quickly.

Developers play a key role here. They can optimize code, compress images, and leverage caching to ensure your site is lightning-fast. Think of your site as a shop. Would you want customers to wait at the door for several seconds before they can even see what’s inside? I don’t think so!


In 2024 this really shouldn't need to be said, but with more people browsing the web on their phones, a mobile-friendly site isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. Google has shifted to mobile-first indexing, meaning it primarily looks at the mobile version of your site when determining its rankings.

From a development perspective, this means creating a site that works seamlessly across different devices. Ensuring that the layout, buttons, and navigation are user-friendly on smaller screens helps your site rank higher in search results. It also improves your users' experience, which is just as important.

Clean Code and Crawlability

Search engines use bots to crawl and index your website. If the site’s code is messy or difficult to navigate, search engines may struggle to understand what your site is about. That’s why clean, efficient coding is crucial.

Developers can use structured data and semantic HTML tags to make it easier for search engines to understand and crawl the site. Remember, if search engines can’t read your content, it’s like having a great book locked in a drawer—no one will ever know how good it is.

SEO: The Fuel That Drives Traffic

While web development lays the foundation, SEO is the engine that drives traffic to your website. SEO involves optimizing your website’s content and structure to rank higher in search results. It focuses on everything from keyword research and content optimization to backlinks and meta tags. But the most effective SEO strategies work best when they’re integrated into the web development process.

How SEO and Web Development Intersect

Let's go over some of the ways that SEO and Web Development may overlap and how a solid web development and a knowledgeable developer can dominate the Google SERPs.

Keyword Integration

You’ve probably heard a lot about keywords when it comes to SEO. Keywords are the phrases people type into search engines when looking for information. Incorporating relevant keywords into your website content is essential, but they also need to be integrated into the site’s structure.

Developers should work with SEO experts to ensure that keywords are present in important areas like URLs, title tags, meta descriptions, and even alt text for images. This doesn’t mean stuffing keywords everywhere, though—that’s a surefire way to get penalized by search engines. It’s all about using them strategically and naturally.

Structured Data

Schema mark-up

Structured data, also known as schema markup, is a type of code added to a site to help search engines understand the content better. It can improve how your site appears in search results, for example, by adding rich snippets such as star ratings, product prices, or even event details.

Don't sleep on it. Structured data is defined as being the language of the search engines. If this doesn't speak loud and clear to you how important your schema data is, I don't know what will.

By implementing structured data during the development phase, you’re giving search engines more context about your site’s content, which can ultimately improve rankings. Don't go in thinking you know what you're doing and just adding schema to websites however. You need to research the schema types available for your industry and apply them strategically.

Image Optimization

High-quality images are great for enhancing the user experience, but they can also slow down your site if not optimized correctly. Image optimization is a collaboration between developers and SEO experts.

Developers can compress images to reduce load times, while SEO experts can ensure that images are tagged with descriptive alt text and filenames containing relevant keywords. This not only improves SEO but also makes your site more accessible for users with disabilities.

There's also another layer of optimizing your EXIF data for search engines, but I could honestly write an entire blog post on this one topic.

URL Structure

The structure of your URLs may seem like a small detail, but it can have a significant impact on SEO. A clean, descriptive URL helps search engines understand the content of a page, making it more likely to rank higher in search results.

Developers should avoid using long, confusing URLs with unnecessary parameters. Instead, aim for simple, readable URLs that include important keywords where appropriate.

Why Collaboration is Key

If you’re reading this and thinking, “Well, it sounds like developers and SEO experts need to talk more,” you’re absolutely right!

Collaboration between these two teams is crucial for creating a website that not only functions well but also ranks well. Honestly this is why hiring an agency that does both website design and SEO is the most effective way to make sure your development is optimized for search from the start.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

When developers and SEO experts work in isolation, problems can arise. For instance, a developer might launch a beautiful site only to realize later that it’s not optimized for search engines. Or, an SEO expert might focus too much on optimizing content without considering how the site performs for users.

By collaborating from the start, these issues can be avoided. A site that is both well-developed and well-optimized stands a much better chance of ranking high in search results—and staying there.

Continuous Optimization

SEO isn’t a one-time task; it’s an ongoing process. The same goes for web development. Sites need to be updated and optimized regularly to maintain their rankings and performance. Developers and SEO experts should work together continuously to ensure that both the site’s technical structure and content stay up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithm changes.

For example, as Google continues to prioritize user experience with updates like Core Web Vitals, both developers and SEO teams need to be aware of how these changes affect the website. The goal should always be to improve both performance and search visibility.

The Importance of User Experience (UX)

A final note on how web development and SEO intersect: user experience. Both developers and SEO experts should prioritize UX when building and optimizing a website. A site that provides a great user experience will not only rank higher but also convert better.

Navigation and Internal Linking

Developers need to focus on creating intuitive navigation that helps users easily find the information they’re looking for. At the same time, SEO experts can ensure that internal linking is optimized to guide both users and search engines through important pages on the site.

Content Layout and Readability

The layout and design of your site also impact how users engage with your content. SEO experts can help by optimizing the content for readability, using headers, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make information easier to digest. Meanwhile, developers ensure that the layout supports this goal, providing a clean and organized structure.

Bringing It All Together

So, as you plan your next website, consider bringing these two crucial elements (SEO and Web Development) together from the start. It’s the best way to ensure long-term success for your online presence.

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