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Eric Burden
Eric Burden

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Advent of Code 2022 - Day 09

It’s that time of year again! Just like last year, I’ll be posting my solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles. This year, I’ll be solving the puzzles in Rust. I’ll post my solutions and code to GitHub as well. After finishing last year (and 2015-2019) in Julia, I needed to spend some time with Rust again! If you haven’t given AoC a try, I encourage you to do so along with me!

Day 09 - Rope Bridge

Find the problem description HERE.

The Input - The Motion of the Ocean?

The simulated motion of a point in 2D space, more like! Today’s puzzle has us moving ‘knots’ around, and the input is a list of instructions for how to move it. There’s just the four cardinal directions (up, down, left, right) and the lines are all consistent. So, a leisurely parsing with nom is just the thing!

/// Represents one of the motions specified in the input, either up,
/// down, left, or right by a given distance (or number of steps).
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Motion {

/// Module wrapping the parser for today's puzzle. Produces a `Vec<Motion>`.
mod parser {
    use super::*;
    use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
    use nom::{
        branch::alt, bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::u8, combinator::map,
        multi::separated_list1, sequence::preceded, Finish, IResult,

    /// Nom parser for "U 5" -> Motion::Up(5)
    fn up(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Motion> {
        map(preceded(tag("U "), u8), Motion::Up)(s)

    /// Nom parser for "D 5" -> Motion::Down(5)
    fn down(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Motion> {
        map(preceded(tag("D "), u8), Motion::Down)(s)

    /// Nom parser for "L 5" -> Motion::Left(5)
    fn left(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Motion> {
        map(preceded(tag("L "), u8), Motion::Left)(s)

    /// Nom parser for "R 5" -> Motion::Right(5)
    fn right(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, Motion> {
        map(preceded(tag("R "), u8), Motion::Right)(s)

    /// Nom parser to take all the lines of the input and produce a vector
    /// of `Motion`s
    pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<Vec<Motion>> {
        let result = separated_list1(tag("\n"), alt((up, down, left, right)))(s);
        let (_, motions) = result
            .map_err(|e| anyhow!("Could not parse motions! \n{e}"))?;

const INPUT: &str = include_str!("../../input/09/input.txt");

/// Parse that input!
fn read() -> Vec<Motion> {

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Ah, nice and clean. Honestly, for something like this, I could have just parsed it by hand, but nom really makes it clear what I’m doing where. Could just be that I’m getting used to it, but this looks really readable and easy to follow to me. Of course, this is a pretty simple set of items to parse. Remember day 5? I know I do!

Part One - Follow The Leader

Ok, no jokes about elvish AIs this time around, we’re in actual peril here. I mean, I suppose the only thing more distracting than a new toy is actual mortal danger. Let’s soothe ourselves with a physics simulation. That’s right. We’re a bit odd…

use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::ops::AddAssign;

/// Solve Day 9, Part 1
fn solve(input: &[Motion]) -> u32 {
    // Brand new `RopeSimulator`(tm)
    let mut simulator = RopeSimulator::new();

    // For each specified motion, update the simulator
    input.iter().for_each(|motion| simulator.move_head(motion));

    // Return the number of unique tail positions from the simulator
    simulator.hist.len() as u32

/// Represents the position of a knot in x/y space.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Knot(i32, i32);

/// Check if the current knot is "too far" from another knot. This means
/// it's more than one unit away in either dimension.
impl Knot {
    fn too_far(&self, other: &Knot) -> bool {
        let Knot(x1, y1) = self;
        let Knot(x2, y2) = other;
        x1.abs_diff(*x2) > 1 || y1.abs_diff(*y2) > 1

/// You know what's nice? Adding an offset to a knot to 'move' the position!
impl AddAssign<(i32, i32)> for Knot {
    fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: (i32, i32)) {
        let Knot(x, y) = self;
        let (xd, yd) = rhs;
        *self = Knot(*x + xd, *y + yd);

/// A struct to encapsulate the state of the rope, with a HashSet to keep up with
/// the unique positions of the tail.
struct RopeSimulator {
    head: Knot,
    tail: Knot,
    hist: HashSet<Knot>,

impl RopeSimulator {
    /// Create a new RopeSimulator with head and tail both at the origin (0, 0) and
    /// initializing the set of tail positions to contain the initial tail position.
    fn new() -> Self {
        let head = Knot::default();
        let tail = Knot::default();
        let hist = HashSet::from([Knot::default()]);
        RopeSimulator { head, tail, hist }

    /// Move the tail of the rope towards the head according to the rules given by
    /// the puzzle instructions.
    fn move_tail(&mut self) {
        let Knot(hx, hy) = self.head;
        let Knot(tx, ty) = self.tail;

        // This `use` statement means we don't have to fully quality all the
        // different `Ordering` variants below. Makes it cleaner to look at.
        use std::cmp::Ordering::*;

        // Set the position of the tail based on where the head is relative to it.
        // For example, if the head is positioned diagonally up and to the left of
        // the tail, then we'll match on `(Less, Less)` and move the tail up and
        // to the left.
        self.tail = match (hx.cmp(&tx), hy.cmp(&ty)) {
            (Less, Less) => Knot(tx - 1, ty - 1),
            (Less, Equal) => Knot(tx - 1, ty),
            (Less, Greater) => Knot(tx - 1, ty + 1),
            (Equal, Less) => Knot(tx, ty - 1),
            (Equal, Equal) => unreachable!(),
            (Equal, Greater) => Knot(tx, ty + 1),
            (Greater, Less) => Knot(tx + 1, ty - 1),
            (Greater, Equal) => Knot(tx + 1, ty),
            (Greater, Greater) => Knot(tx + 1, ty + 1),

        // Add the new tail position to the set of tracked tail positions.

    fn move_head(&mut self, motion: &Motion) {
        // Generate a specification for moving the head. We get the number of
        // steps from the `Motion`, and the offset indicates how the `Knot`
        // of the head is changed on each step.
        let (steps, offset) = match motion {
            Motion::Up(steps) => (steps, (0, -1)),
            Motion::Down(steps) => (steps, (0, 1)),
            Motion::Left(steps) => (steps, (-1, 0)),
            Motion::Right(steps) => (steps, (1, 0)),

        // Now we move the head one step at a time, adjusting the head by
        // the offset each time. Any time the head is too far from the
        // tail, we adjust the tail and record its new position.
        for _ in 0..*steps {
            self.head += offset;
            if self.head.too_far(&self.tail) {

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There’s a fair amount of code here (it’s Rust, there’s always a fair amount of code…), but it boils down to following the puzzle instructions carefully and moving the head one step at a time. For every step we move the head, we check to see if we need to move the tail, and if so, we move it towards the head either diagonally or in a straight line depending on their relative positions. Ah, watch that simulation run. Isn’t it relaxing?

Part Two - On the Unreliability of Ropes

It was relaxing, right up until we fell off a freaking bridge! Now we need to simulate longer ropes to avoid being hit! Not that we’d want to try grabbing_one of those ropes instead, of course. Wait a second, we’re actively falling. Are we running these simulations in our head? Are _we the AI? Lots to think about, I guess. Mostly ropes, though.

use itertools::Itertools;
use std::collections::HashSet;

/// Same solve function, more or less. Just uses the updated rope simulator.
pub fn solve(input: &[Motion]) -> u32 {
    // Brand new `RopeSimulator`(tm)
    let mut simulator: RopeSimulator<10> = RopeSimulator::new();

    // For each specified motion, update the simulator
    input.iter().for_each(|motion| simulator.move_head(motion));

    // Return the number of unique tail positions from the simulator
    simulator.hist.len() as u32

// New and improved! I realize we only _needed_ to support a rope with 10
// knots, but at this point, why not make it *const generic*?
struct RopeSimulator<const N: usize> {
    knots: [Knot; N],
    hist: HashSet<Knot>,

impl<const N: usize> RopeSimulator<N> {
    // New RopeSimulator, this time we're keeping all the knots in an array
    // of length N (10 for our case). Note that the order of these knots
    // matters, since `knots[0]` will be the head and `knots[N - 1]` will be
    // the tail.
    fn new() -> Self {
        let knots = [Knot::default(); N];
        let hist = HashSet::from([Knot::default()]);
        RopeSimulator { knots, hist }

    // This time, instead of hard-coding the head and the tail, we pass in
    // the index of the `leader` knot and the `follower` knot. For our
    // implementation, follower == leader + 1;
    fn follow(&mut self, leader: usize, follower: usize) {
        let Knot(hx, hy) = self.knots[leader];
        let Knot(tx, ty) = self.knots[follower];

        // The logic here is exactly the same as for the first part
        use std::cmp::Ordering::*;
        self.knots[follower] = match (hx.cmp(&tx), hy.cmp(&ty)) {
            (Less, Less) => Knot(tx - 1, ty - 1),
            (Less, Equal) => Knot(tx - 1, ty),
            (Less, Greater) => Knot(tx - 1, ty + 1),
            (Equal, Less) => Knot(tx, ty - 1),
            (Equal, Equal) => unreachable!(),
            (Equal, Greater) => Knot(tx, ty + 1),
            (Greater, Less) => Knot(tx + 1, ty - 1),
            (Greater, Equal) => Knot(tx + 1, ty),
            (Greater, Greater) => Knot(tx + 1, ty + 1),

        // Now we need to check to be sure the `follower` is in the tail
        // slot before we record its position.
        if follower == N - 1 {
            self.hist.insert(self.knots[N - 1]);

    fn move_head(&mut self, motion: &Motion) {
        // Generate a specification for moving the head. We get the number of
        // steps from the `Motion`, and the offset indicates how the `Knot`
        // of the head is changed on each step.
        let (reps, offset) = match motion {
            Motion::Up(reps) => (reps, (0, -1)),
            Motion::Down(reps) => (reps, (0, 1)),
            Motion::Left(reps) => (reps, (-1, 0)),
            Motion::Right(reps) => (reps, (1, 0)),

        // For each step in the motion, move the first knot in the `knots` array
        // (that's the head), then move down the array of knots, updating each
        // knot in sequence based on the position of the previous knot.
        for _ in 0..*reps {
            self.knots[0] += offset;

            // Note the `tuple_windows()` method from the `itertools` crate. Handy
            // crate, that `itertools`.
            for (leader, follower) in (0..N).tuple_windows() {
                // If the first knot is too far away from the knot behind it, move
                // the follower.
                if self.knots[leader].too_far(&self.knots[follower]) {
                    self.follow(leader, follower);

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Yay, we’ll manage to dodge the ropes that we definitely could not have used to pull ourselves back up onto the bridge. Oh yeah, we’re super smart. Yay, us.

Wrap Up

It feels like the difficulty on the puzzles has sort of gone back and forth this year, where we’ll get a tougher puzzle followed by a bit of a break, then back to a tougher puzzle again. They’re slowly ramping up, for sure, but today we get a lot of mileage out of following directions. This was a good chance to solidify some things I’ve been working on: parsing and relatively new Rust language features like const generics. I even managed to sneak in a little itertoolsaction. Today was a good day, and the puzzle level felt right for where we are in the calendar. Of course, tomorrow is a Saturday, so let’s see what we have in store.

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