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Slaven Đervida
Slaven Đervida

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Unveiling the JavaScript FormData API: A Hidden Gem

In the vast ecosystem of JavaScript, there are countless libraries, frameworks, and built-in APIs. Some are more popular than others, and some, despite their utility, remain relatively obscure. One such underrated feature is the JavaScript FormData API. This article will shed light on its importance, how it works, and the potential benefits of using it, especially in relation to React's state management.

What is the FormData API?

The FormData API provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values. This is especially useful when you want to serialize form data to send it as a request to a server or when you want to use form data in JavaScript without necessarily submitting a form.

Using the FormData API

To utilize the FormData API, it's crucial to note that input fields should have a name attribute. Without this, you won't be able to retrieve the values correctly.

const formData = new FormData(formElement);
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Here, formElement refers to the HTML form element. Once you've created a FormData object, you can retrieve data from it using:

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Additionally, if you want to transform this data into an object, JavaScript offers a concise way:

const formDataAsObject = Object.fromEntries(formData.entries());
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With this, you've effortlessly converted your form data into an object that can be easily manipulated or sent to a server.

FormData API vs. React State

Now, for those using React, an obvious question might arise: Should we use the built-in state management or lean on the FormData API?

  1. Simplicity and Raw Data: If your primary goal is to gather raw data from a form and send it without much manipulation, the FormData API is a straightforward choice. It eliminates the need for setting up individual state variables for each input field.

  2. Integrated Manipulation: React's state provides better integration with the UI. If you need real-time validation, complex data manipulations, or interactions that go beyond mere data collection, the built-in state becomes more appealing.

  3. Performance: For large forms, using React's state for each input field can lead to many re-renders, potentially affecting performance. FormData API can be more efficient in such cases, as it doesn't directly tie into the component's re-render cycle.

  4. Flexibility: While FormData is specifically designed for form data, React's state is more versatile and can handle any type of data, not just form-related.


The JavaScript FormData API is a powerful tool, particularly for scenarios where form data needs to be collected seamlessly. While it doesn’t replace the need for React's state management in all situations, it does offer a simpler alternative for certain use-cases.

For developers, the choice between the two largely depends on the complexity of the task at hand. For simple form data collection, the FormData API is an efficient choice. However, when the requirements extend beyond just data collection, React’s state offers a more integrated solution.

Ultimately, it's essential to understand the tools at your disposal and to make an informed decision based on the specific needs of your project.

Here is YT short by @CodinginPublic, check it out!

Get all values from submitted form - YouTube

Did you know the formData API in JavaScript will capture all values on a submitted form?!🎨 VSCode Theming- Font: Cascadia Code:


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