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Ethan Taylor
Ethan Taylor

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What challenges do I need to overcome to excel at app development as a freelancer?

Facts state that about 3 million apps are available on Google Play Store, over 2 million on Apple Store, and about half a million apps on Windows and Amazon Store. While it is true that app development will continue to expand, freelance app developers face some challenges while developing one.

Familiarizing yourself with those challenges and surpassing them can help you get jobs with the best app development companies. Here are some of them:

Development approach

Deciding which development approach to take is one of the most primary challenges for app developers. Why so? App development is much like building a structure. So, if the foundation is not strong enough, the building may collapse. Similarly, if a developer does not take the right approach, they might not build a satisfactory app. For example, freelance app developers must choose which framework and language will help them build a pleasing application.

Device compatibility and screen size

Working with device compatibility is another challenge for app development companies and freelancers. People involved in app development have to be mindful of the device that will run their application. For example, it could be an Android-based or an iOS-based device. In both cases, the development procedure shall vary.

Moreover, different devices have different sizes and pixel densities. It happens even with those devices that use the same operating system, iOS, for instance. A 16-inch Macbook Pro has 226 pixels per inch, whereas an 11-inch iPad Pro has 264 pixels per inch. App developers must consider the factor to build user-friendly apps.


Suppose you have developed a good-looking application. It doesn't matter if it doesn't perform effectively. Application performance includes many factors, such as battery and storage consumption.

All freelance app developers must consider all these factors during app development. Whatsapp saw 600 million downloads in 2020 because it adheres to performance guidelines.

With Eiliana, you can overcome such obstacles with regular freelance app development opportunities. Being immune to the challenges, you can excel in the field.

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