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Evelyn Ita
Evelyn Ita

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Cloud computing.

In this blog post we will delve into cloud computing, the benefits of using the cloud over the typical on-premise solutions, cloud computing models and services.


Cloud computing is a delivery model for enabling convenient, on-demand self service access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. e.g networks, virtual machines, storage and applications that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

In simple terms, it is the delivery of services over the internet. It hides away the complexity of technology from the users as well as details of how the service is generated.


  • Low cost: There is significant reduction in infrastructure and operational cost.
  • Scalability: It gives us the opportunity to adjust our resources to meet our demand. We can scale up or scale down according to requirement.
  • High availability
  • Security Performance/Agility: It takes less time to provision resources when needed.

Cloud Models

Public Cloud: This is owned and controlled by cloud service providers and shared by multiple organizations. Customers pay for service consumed, thereby saving and reducing costs. Public cloud also has its disadvantages which includes it being multi tenant i.e resources, such as servers, storage, and network devices, are shared among multiple users or customers. Making it the least secured of all 3 cloud models.

Private cloud: A Private Cloud is a model of cloud computing where the infrastructure is dedicated to a single user organization. A private cloud can be hosted either at an organization’s own data center, at a third party colocation facility, or via a private cloud provider who offers private cloud hosting services and may or may not also offer traditional public shared multi-tenant cloud infrastructure.

Typically, the end-user organization is responsible for the operation of a private cloud as if it were a traditional on-premises infrastructure, which includes ongoing maintenance, upgrades, OS patches, middleware, and application software management.

Private Cloud Solutions offer organizations more control over and better security of private cloud servers, although it does require a much higher level of IT expertise than utilizing a public cloud.

Hybrid cloud: Hybrid Cloud refers to a cloud computing model that uses a combination of at least one private cloud and at least one public cloud, which works together to provide a flexible mix of cloud computing services.

Comparison of cloud models

Cloud Services

Infrastructure as a service(Iaas): The most flexible type of cloud service. It provides users with control and flexibility over their application. While the cloud provider manages the infrastructure, it is the responsibility of the user to manage the platform, application and data.

Platform as a service(Paas): It provides on-demand platform for developing, testing and managing software applications. it makes it easy for developers to quickly create an application without having to worry about underlying infrastructure. In Paas, the cloud provider maintains the physical infrastructure as well as the platform. While the user manages the application and data.

Software as a service(Saas): In this cloud service, the cloud provider hosts and manages the infrastructure, platform and application. This is the easiest to run cloud service.

Comparison of cloud services

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